Friday 30 May 2014

On His demand Part 38


"Chote!" Anjali screamed.

Cries echoed in the air. His body totally broken as a smashed glass.


All of sudden, wind had picked up the current.

A mild weather had turned into an outrageous storm.

Rahul couldn't see anything at the moment, but his victory. He longed to end the game of Arnav and now he was their fighting with his life. Probably close to death, he thought.

His first attempt to kill Arnav at the reception party had been useless. But today, he had beaten him to death. The rest of the family was held captive, at his mercy.

But could Arnav really let go of him as just like this!? He won't. If he died today, neither did Rahul will be alive.

"Get up chote," Nani shouted. "You can't fail. You can't let this monster win. Get up chote, please!"

Arnav could hear anything other than muffled voices in the back of his head. But nothing clear that he could have made sense of. He was physically devastated that he couldn't even think beyond his pain. Every part of his body ached.

However, despite of that he wanted to get up. He was trying to move his muscles, but not by a mere inch they obeyed his efforts. His every try was failing.

He felt his body was totally paralyzed. Numb with pain.

"Nani, didn't I tell you he is good for nothing!" Rahul said. This Arnav heard. "He is a coward," his words caused havoc inside him.

He was helpless.

"I have beaten him to death and now he would leave everything to me. You...each of you will be my servants. And I will make his Khushi mine that he had snatched."

"Don't call me Nani. I cannot be Nani of person like you," Nani yelled back.

"Right now we do are captives, but let me tell you, given one chance we will take hell out of you!" Akaash growled, struggling against the hold of Rahul's guard.

Rahul could only smile, a crooked sickening smile. Their threats had no effect on him.

"And who will give you that chance!? Your god!? Looks like even he is on my side today!" he said.

"Chote, get up!" Anjali shouted. "Get up, chote!"

Rahul arched his neck to look at Anjali. A look unreadable on his face. Anjali looked at him right in his eyes. A sheer confidence in them.

Rahul turned on his heels and started walking towards her.

Wind so fast that made hard to keep eyes open. Dirt getting in their eyes.

Rahul took his black glasses from his pocket and had them on.

"So, Mrs. Anjali Rahul Malhotra," he said, shoving his hand in his pockets. Standing right in front of her.

Anjali immediately looked away from him. He leaned in and said something to her. And raised his eyebrows for an answer.

"Shut up, you bas***d! I will never be yours!"

"Really?" he said. He pulled his one hand from his pocket and ran his finger on the sideline of Anjali's face.

"Aaee don't touch her!" Akaash yelled. Rahul didn't listen him. Dhruv was ready to break free and kick him, if it wasn't guard holding him strongly enough.

"If you see, we aren't divorced, therefore, technically we are still married!"

"I would prefer death over you!" Anjali shouted.

"Hmm, that sounds like a wish of yours," he mused. "How about if I fulfill your last wish?" he said and backed up. "You know after doing so many bad deeds, how about one good one?"

Winds had picked up the pace even more. Everyone struggled standing at their places. The sand had formed the balls in the air.

"Looks like heavens are calling for you, my dear wife. After you will be dead, I will miss you. Truly, miss you. From bottom of my heart."

"If you have to shoot, shoot all of us!" Dhruv said.

Rahul looked at him. "Oh, Dhruv. I totally forgot about you."

"You know what to kill you guys was my first plan. Thanks for reminding me!"

"Yes, kill all of us and see if God is really on your side!" Nani said. "Let's see whether our prayers are powerful of your evil plans!"

Rahul looked amusingly at all them as they shouted at him to shoot all of them.

"You know Nani he is coward enough. That's why since today, he had been just using women, to get what he wanted!" Akaash yelled. "You weren't a real man, but a weak bast**d!"

Rahul wasn't bothered by their words.

"You know what? I always loved you as a family. Always there in good times as well as hard times. See, how much you all love each other and you are ready to die for each other."

"Come on, please guys stop that," he pulled his puppy sad face. "You are making me emotional."

"And you Akaash, I can deal with you, just like I dealt with your strong brother. You see there," he gestured toward Arnav. "But I am least bothered. I am tired of all this. Need a break!"

Burning smell of the godown filled in the air, as the weather got only worst and worst. The flames grew larger and larger.

Dark clouds in the sky.

"You have destroyed my snuggled goods worth millions," he said looking at the godown. "I guess another reason that I will have no problem killing all of you."

He walked back. "Leave all of them," he said to his men that had held the family members. Men obeyed him and they took one step back.

Rahul raised his gun. "So from where I should start," he shouted over the howling winds.

Family members, stood hand in hand, as a wall. "Come on, Rahul shoot!" Akaash yelled. "Let's see your limits," he dared.

Rahul pulled the trigger.

One shot.
Second shot.
Third shot.
Fourth shot.
Fifth shot.
Sixth shot.
Seventh shot.
Eight shot.

Bodies fell onto the ground, mercilessly. Birds flew in the nearby areas, startled, at the sound of the gun.

Shortly, after everything fell silent. Dead silence all around. No, presence of the human it looked like.

For a moment everything was stilled. The winds, the flames of the fire, the heartbeats. The breaths.

Even the growling, fast moving winds were mute.

A desolate place it seemed. Grave silence.

No wincing in pain, one shot in the head and they were dead. What really just happened nobody knew. Who did? What? Really didn't make sense at all.

As Payal let out a startled gasp, as the body of the last goon fell behind her. But she didn't scream, although it was the only thing on her mind. Nani who stood beside clung to her and looked behind. Men who had stepped laid shot dead by the group of commando's.

The police who were kept captive, wasted no time, they took the arms from them as goon stood confused.

Tables turned in quick seconds.

Karan had smacked the face of the man who dared to point the gun at him, the CID officer.

As cluster of other commando's rushed in and had captured everyone. And the family members took the sigh of relief.

'Hi, officer. I hope no harm is done," the chief officer said to Karan. "We had been getting no response from any of the policemen and neither from you, we knew something was definitely wrong!"

"Thank you so much for turning here on time. You saved the day and lives," Karan replied.

"Please excuse me, chief!" he said and immediately ran to Arnav, who had by now able to stand on his injured legs.

Rahul was under arrest. "Take him to the police station."

"No," Arnav shouted. His voice dark. He stood up with enormous strength. He had forgotten all it's pain. Although, he could feel his part of the body swollen. His ribs bones, broken. Karan stood beside him.

He was going to trip over as his knees no longer supported his body, but he shorty managed to stand on two feet. Blood streamed down his temples. His chest was burning as air hardly reached his lungs.

But his anger, made him forgot everything for a while. Every pain. Because it was his time.

Rahul was growling in tries to release himself from the grip of the arm men who held him.

"Leave him," Arnav ordered. And as the chief officer nodded to his men to do so.

Karan walked with Arnav, but he didn't help him even though his each stride was a baby step. "So you kill me?" Rahul yelled.

Akaash came and smacked his face. His one blow, blistered his cheek. "Didn't we say you will pay for it!? Even if you get alive out of here, law will not leave you alive," Akaash murmured in his ear, his voice was cold. "Today, here you have confessed every cheap work you did?"

"Now, you tell whose side God is. Us or your's."

"You won't be able to do anything to me," Rahul retorted.

As Arnav reached, Akaash stepped back.

Karan muttered something to the chief officer. He was trying hard to convince something which chief was denying to accept. But Karan didn't stop trying.

After a while, Chief stood beside him as he was in deep thoughts. Karan waited for his reply, with the hope and chief nodded with a slight nod of his head. As there was an agreement over something.

"Okay, officer we are done here. I hope you will be able to settle everything now."

"No worries chief, everything will be alright now!" Karan said with a smirk on his face.

"All the goons are arrested, and they will definitely get the worst punishment possible," chief said.

"Yes, you leave I get him straight to the central jail," he said to chief.

"Of course if he will be alive," he added to himself resisting to laugh. Because he didn't want to fail this time. He would fool the chief, definitely. Because today, from Arnav nobody would save Rahul. Not law, but Arnav was going to give the punishment to him.

Within 15 minutes, everything was cleared. It was just Raizada's, Karan and his police force.

"Shinde, just send few policemen and hide. If in case he still has men hidden somewhere!"

The constable nodded his head and immediately ran to obey Karan's order.

Karan then went to Arnav and offered him the gun. But Arnav threw it and at the speed of light, his hand wrapped around Rahul's neck, chocking his breath. Rahul's face had turned red, his eyes watery.

Despite, of broken limbs Arnav had newfound energy that he will use it until his prey had not begged for his life.

Rahul had his hands, tightened around Arnav's hand to free himself. But ironically, it was Rahul who was weak than Arnav. He couldn't release, Arnav's hold leashed around his neck.

Rahul tried to speak something, but his words were choked. The only sound beside his helpless gasps was a sound of his breaking bones of his neck.

"Kill him, chote!" Anjali cried. "Kill him!"

In the centre of everyone, Rahul had no where to escape.

Arnav kicked his groin with the same knee that he had hit mercilessly. Rahul tried to scream, but Arnav didn't give him a chance, another knee hit him at the same place.

"You have lot to pay!" Arnav had hardly said as now he was in no mood of talking, but act.

He let go of his neck but held him by his collar and swung his own arm right in his already bleeding face.

Another punch right in his nose. Next in his stomach. With the intensity as he could muster.

Rahul couldn't breath, except wincing in pain.

"If you will open your mouth it will only to scream," Rahul heard him saying. "And the only sound everyone here will here!"

Arnav let go of him, and started walking backwards and turned around. His wounds hurt. He ignored them. He had to.

By the time, Rahul tried to take the advantage, but Arnav had already turned around and he kicked Rahul's chest with all the force. Rahul, broke his ribs slowly, but Arnav had broken his every bone in his rib cage, once.

The breaking of the ribs made cracking sound and they broke easily as they was wood, but it wasn't the mere force, Rahul knew it.

He fell backwards in a slow motion.

But Arnav was fast enough to hold him. "Please let me go!" words came out of Rahul's mouth.

Arnav didn't hear anything.

As punch after punch hit every part of the body, and the only sound that was prominent was only Rahul's pleas to forgive him.

"What happen to you now you rascal?" Dhruv said his bones tickled to hit him, but he was Arnav's prey.

Blood oozed from Rahul's temple, dripped down his eyes. His white sheet soaked in blood. He was trying to say something, but words didn't come out of his mouth. His vocal cord was damaged. His voice was gone.

He gestured towards Anjali then Arnav, as he meant he would kill both of them.

It only heightened Arnav's anger. His hand only rose to punch him, his legs, although not capable of walking, kicked with the non existing effort.

Rahul's both lungs were ruptured. By now may be hardly functioning. But Arnav wasn't satisfied at all.

As a warrior, today he fought with his enemy, his Khushi's enemy. The person who took his baby's life. How in the world he would leave him, alive? He knew he was definitely going to jail today, but who cared? At least, he didn't.

With the last kick in his chest, Rahul fell backwards, and laid flat on the ground.

Anjali collapsed on Karan's shoulders. "Anjali bitiya," Nani yelled.

"Anjali!" Karan said as he held her in his arms.

Even Arnav had fallen on his knees. Broken. Shattered. Physical pain, he no longer felt.

Emotional pain was enormous that he had been suffering and it wasn't quenched...Even if Rahul was dead.

He wished Khushi was here, so that she could see the end of the evil. The person who had killed her father and their child.

"Arnav," Karan said as he kept his hand on his shoulder. His voice calm. Arnav had his both hand in front of him in surrender.

Karan immediately stooped down to his knees.

"You didn't do anything wrong," he said. "He was a sinner and he deserved it. I didn't see anything. Neither did any of the policemen. Let's go!"

"Now come on, get up!" Karan said and Akaash and Dhruv helped him.

"NK, Dhruv let's get everyone out of here!" NK and Dhruv both nodded. Mama ji, held Nani and Mami as they walked.

Rahul's eyes shot opened. He reached out the gun, as he stood up. And he yelled Arnav's name. Everyone turned around in fear. As, Rahul had pointed gun straight towards Arnav.

Then there was a shot. The gun fell from Rahul's hands as he turned around to see whom it was.


Rahul fell on the ground.


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