Friday 30 May 2014

Betrayal Part 6

~~~~~~~~~PART 6~~~~~~~~~

                    * * *
Khushi came out of the room, but she couldn't take a step forward to leave from there. She touched her cheek as she felt it wet. It was a tear. She hadn't realized she was crying. Crying for the person she thought she hated. If differences were kept aside, and taking the fact that she was pregnant with not Arnav's child into consideration, it was the worst punishment for him. Given that he loved her.

He was truly sorry, but what had come into her mind, that she didn't give another thought. The part of her had already started feeling she went over board.

Something deep inside her told her that there was terribly wrong.

Arnav was hurt. She could feel it. She wasn't even thinking that she hated him.

Her back against the wall, she looked at Arnav through the slight opened door. His back towards her. Then she saw him slid down to the floor, his body shook as he was crying harder. There was a tight knot of pain in her stomach. This time she couldn't stop herself.

She immediately rushed inside. Her eyes didn't shed a single tear now, much worst her heart did.

"Arnav, you okay?" Her voice a mere mutter. Arnav wasn't listening her as he didn't even see her. She sat in front of him.

"Arnav, is Ananaya di fine?" she asked. Her hands cupped his face. This broken he never had been. He hugged her. He needed it. Khushi was surprised, but she welcomed it.

She hugged him back, forgetting about any negativity as there weren't any. She rubbed his back to gave him the comfort. His sobs once again shook his body.

She herself trembled. He couldn't speak. "Arnav if you won't tell me what happen. How would I help you?" she said.

He got aware, it was Khushi whom he had hugged her. The woman who claimed he had forced her. She was going to help him? No! She can't be help. However, was she really wrong? He was the one who forced her to take such a step.

However, she was no child. She was no child, he repeated. He jerked away from her. His gaze fixed at her. He didn't want her to show concern for him. She can't help him, she was going to make thing worst and only worst for no good reason.

"Khushi why did you do it?" he finally asked the question that lingered on his head for so long.

His question was a hard blow that hit her brutally, shook her mentally. "You could have punished me in anyway, if you have asked me for my life, I would have given it you. I swear. But you shouldn't have done this," his words were full of pain. Although, calm, but anger in them.

Khushi felt his words ripped her heart out of her body.

"And you know what?" he said and then there was a long painful silence. The only voice of furiously beating heart beat against the walls of their chests. That too sounded as it beat in a sync.

Surprisingly, his words didn't make her angry at him, but at herself.

Another dreadful silence. Voices were louder enough in their heads. Khushi had no answer to his question that she would have liked to gave him.

Arnav being wrong was right, and Khushi? She thought she was doing right, she might disliked to hear it, but she was wrong.

"Freaking you were wrong, Khushi!" Arnav shouted. "You..." he wanted to tell her what has happened to his sister. But he was helpless, he wanted to make her realize her mistake. At the same time, he couldn't.

She will break. She will die. And he didn't want to loose her. Despite, of her being terribly wrong. And the baby? He wasn't at the mistake.

Khushi clenched her stomach. She felt nauseous, awfully sick.

She wanted to cry. She stood up and ran. She no longer could face him. She stood on her feet and away from there to her room. Her legs felt numb, shaky. She was short of breath. As soon as she reached her room, she closed the door behind and fell on the bed crying.

Cuddling into a tight ball. The worst truth, she couldn't make it right. By no means, she could. Tears fell, and pain only grew more and more.
Few hours ago, she didn't give what she did a second thought. But now it had become the only thing in her mind.

On the other hand, Arnav felt no emotion at all. As he was deprived of them. If he had, he already had shed them.

Whole night of Khushi was spent crying. Arnav's question, "why did she do it?" made her feel sick of herself.

Arnav stood by the window, staring at the stars whole night. There was no account of time.

Arnav's life had already taken a worsened turn. Past revelations. Decisions were made. His sister would get the justice. There was no backing there.

He knew truth couldn't be kept, but as long as he could he would hide the truth from khushi. Or not until, she gives birth to her child.

Also, taking Khushi's health into consideration he couldn't be this selfish. It was not only about her, but her baby. Her life wouldn't be at stake, baby shouldn't be harmed. He had to be on her side, his love wasn't limited this he had proved. He would be grateful if he, himself and his love survived.

                      * * *
"Hello, Mr. Raizada. I am calling from city hospital. Mrs. Khushi Singh Raizada's reports are out. And Dr. Sharma wants to discuss them. Could you please make an appointment at the preferable time. It's important if it as soon as possible."

"Are reports fine?"

"I am sorry, I can't tell. You could discuss with Dr. Sharma."

"Okay, book it for today, at 12:00 PM!" Arnav said and put down the phone.

Waves of fear engulfed his heart. Dr. Sharma had told him if there will be any complications she would call them. He had to take Khushi for the check up as soon as possible.

When in the morning for the first time he came into Khushi's room. She had just exited from the washroom after taking shower. Her morning sickness had started taking toll on her. Already three times she had puked. Plus she was exhausted. Since whole night she couldn't sleep.

"Good morning," she wished, just for the sake to know how he was.

"Get ready you have doctor's appointment at 12:00 PM," he said straight. His morning was no good.

"But I had booked it for next week!" she said.

"Dr. Sharma wants to discuss your reports," he said as he took his clothes out of his cupboard.

"Are you looking for something," she asked as she noticed him finding something.

No response from him. "Atul," he called his servant.

"Arnav I can find it for you!" she said.

No response.

"Yes, sir," Atul said as he showed up the door.

"Atul, find me my black tie and do me a favour, ask Ramu kaka to take all my clothes from here and transfer it to the other room of mine."

"No, problem sir! It will be done as soon as Kaka gets free!" Atul answered courteously.

Khushi felt fresh tears at the back of her eyes.

Arnav took his clothe that he would be wearing and turned to leave when Khushi stopped him.

"Arnav you can use the washroom it's free!" she said. Her voice was shaky.

"Come downstairs for breakfast. Please make sure you come early, after the appointment I have lot of work to do!" He told her and waited for no further.

Khushi saw him exiting the room. She was hurt by his ignorance more than she could put into words.

At the breakfast table, both Arnav and Khushi had their breakfast in silence. Until, Khushi's phone rang.

It was Aditiya's phone. She cut it as quickly as she saw his name flashing and put it on silent. She wasn't in a mood of talking to him.

Second time it was Arnav's phone.
He picked it up. Something that surprised Khushi. He never received phone calls while he eats.

"Hey, Lavanaya!" he said. He sounded cheerful that made Khushi wondered who she was?

"How are you? Long time no see!...Really when...Tomorrow...Of course...I am free. Yes, you are welcome...Anjali has gone to London for some work...But she will be back soon...No, don't worry, I will come to receive you from the airport."

Khushi felt the pang of emotions hitting her chest. Who was Lavanya? She had never heard of her. And Arnav sounded cheerful as he talked to his female friend. And in between she had seen a smile too on his face. That unintentionally made her smile.

She shook her head as she came out of thoughts. Would she be feeling whatever odd feelings she was going through? No. She shouldn't be.

As Arnav hung up the phone. She couldn't help asking, "Friend!?"

"Yes," he said with a bright smile, but it faded soon.

"Is she coming?" she asked.

"Atul," Arnav called who was passing by. "Atul, clean one of the guest room. Lavanya is coming tomorrow. Make sure everything is neat and clean in her room!"

"Your demand will be fulfilled sir. Don't worry, we will make sure, everything is per Lavanaya mam's liking!" Atul said. From his reply, Khushi could tell he was familiar with Lavanya.

"I will be waiting for you in the car," he said without acknowledging Khushi. He got up his seat and left.

Khushi put the toast as it was, back in her plate. Under Arnav's surveillance she had finished her fruit salad and juice.
                   * * *

Arnav usually would be standing out waiting for her to sit in the car then himself he would settle.

Right at the moment, he was. Sun shone brightly. He stood, leaned against the car, his ankles crossed carelessly.

He looked breathtaking gorgeous. Younger than ever before, even though he looked little tired. His shades made hard to see if he was looking at her or if he was really checking out his phone.

Today, Khushi too had dressed in sari. Never she had ever before. That too in Arnav's favourite colour. Red, need no mention. The same sari that Arnav had given her on her birthday. But she never wore it.

Today, she felt like wearing it. For no apparent reason.

"Looks like someone forgot to discard that piece of garbage!" Arnav remarked. Khushi's eyes followed Arnav's gaze.

He himself went and took the paper and put it in the garbage can.

It was quite clear he meant the sari she wore and Khushi knew it.

He then opened the door for Khushi without uttering a word to her or looking at her. That little gesture of care still didn't go unnoticed by Khushi.

She saw Arnav sit in the car, not with her, but in the front seat. Her heart somersaulted in a very sickening way.

Fifteen minutes drive to the hospital was painstaking. Silence that was louder than words.

When they reached the hospital Arnav commented nothing. Khushi had sat outside the clinic waiting for her turn. Whereas Arnav stood in the corner. Thinking of something deep.

Khushi got up her seat and went to him. "Arnav hand sanitizer."

"Thanks," he said. Denying to look at her or even take the sanitizer from her.

"Looks like you ran out of your wardrobe. Come to the central mall I will get you some good clothes. And you could throw the rest of the garbage," he said so calmly, with the obvious anger behind it that it caused goosebumps on her skin to rose. "Or you forgot the garbage given by..." he immediately shut up when he looked in her eyes that was filled with unshed tears.

Then she remembered when she had told him about the card and the chocolates that he had given her on the valentines day.

She immediately gazed down, she didn't want to show her tears to him and looked to the other side thankfully, receptionist had called her name when her turn came.

Arnav's furiously beating heart picked up the race. He wished everything was fine and nothing to worry about.

"Mrs. Raizada can you come with me for a while. I have to get your blood test done!"

"Second time," Arnav thought.

"Mr. Raizada you may go in. Dr. Sharma wants to see you."

Khushi looked scared as she didn't want to go alone. Last time she gave the blood and she almost fainted. God knew how scared she was of syringes.

Arnav sensed it. Last time she hadn't allowed him. And right now he wasn't sure if he should go...

"Please sit, Mrs. Raizada!" Nurse told her as she gestured at the seat. Khushi propped up the chair. Gulping her nervousness.

"Are you ready?" nurse asked. As she wiped the little area with the alcohol wipe.

She nodded. Her breath suddenly stuck in her throat, which made her hard to breath.

She pressed her lip tightly. She didn't look at the syringe. She closed her eyes and imagined. Who? Arnav. Him standing in front of her. Making her forget that syringe had been poked into her blood vessel. Her hand got hold of something. Her eyes squeezed shut. Arnav's face was the only thing she could picture.

She pressed her hand against the object she held, too nervous to know what it was. Dug her nails in it. Heart thumped wildly.

"Done, Mrs. Raizada," nurse said.

Khushi's eyes flew open and saw Arnav. Looking at her with blank expression on his face. She was hurting him. She looked at her hand squeezing his. Her nails probably had left brutal work of them.

Her hand flew away. A sorry look on her face. As she was verbally going to convey, Arnav had already left.

"You are so lucky to have a husband like him, Mrs. Raizada!" nurse said. Khushi looked at her in surprise. "You could simply see in his eyes."

It was true, but it was only a blind person like her from whom it went unnoticed. No, she had noticed it, but she had brutally scrunched it.

Leaving his heart damaged.

"Mr. Raizada, I am afraid she has a mild asthma too," Dr. Sharma told Arnav as he had asked about the reason behind Khushi's check up.

"Is it serious?" he asked. His voice composed, but his fist tightened as it was absorbing all the fears within the clenched ball.

"It's normal during pregnancy, but if untreated it could be proved to be lethal to Khushi as well your baby." The fist tightened even more when he heard "your baby."

"Top of that she still has anemia. I wanted to tell you this first, I know it would tense her. Does she complain of having breathing problems?"

He didn't know. As far as he knew, no.

"I will prescribe you medicine. She could take it without any problem during this time."

"Don't worry, Mr Raizada," she said as she saw lines of worry on his forehead.

"Here Khushi is back too!" Dr. Sharma said as she saw Khushi returning from checkup that was needed.

Khushi sat on the chair beside Arnav's.

"So, Khushi how is the experience? Morning sickness? Breathing problems?" she asked.

"Good," she answered. "Morning sickness...yes, vomited few times in the morning...Breathing problems..."

Arnav's muscles were tightened. "Breathing problems...sometimes..."

"Like when? Is it frequent?"

"No," she answered. Arnav relaxed.

"Khushi you have to tell everything. Remember it's about your baby too!" Arnav spoke this time. For the first acknowledging her in a day.

"Yes, Khushi I don't want you to get startled, but I am afraid you have asthma too," Dr. Sharma added.

Arnav saw her getting tensed. "Look as I was telling Mr. Raizada it shouldn't be a problem if you will be treated for it. So no worries there."

Arnav looked at her when unknowingly, she had held his hand
out of fear.

"And you still have anemia, Khushi these are normal during this period, but we have to be careful. Promise that will eat your food on time as well take your medicine. You don't want to risk your baby."

She nodded. "I will."

"Here's the prescription form. We already have your X-Ray will tell you if you really have asthma problem. In a day or two I will call you again."

Khushi now noticed she had held his hand and he was at little unease. She let go of it. "I am sorry," she murmured.

"Thank you so much," Arnav said as he got up and greeted goodbye.

"Pleasure is mine," Dr. Sharma said back. "Take care, Khushi."

Khushi smiled. She and Arnav walked out of the clinic.

                      * * *
Arnav's another car waited for him outside when they came out of the hospital.

"Here are the medicines," he told her as he gave her the bag. "If you need anything call me or let Mary know, She is back from her holidays. She will make sure you are eating properly," he said not looking at her.

"When you will be home?" she asked. She couldn't believe she had asked him.

It she had asked him this question before when she was faking her love for him, he would have said, "I won't go if you don't want." No, not now.

He was fool enough to make fool of himself when he thought, she had forgiven him for what he did and love him. However, no such mistake anymore.

"Driver, take Khushi mam at Gupta house."

"You will feel better if you will spend sometime with your family," he said.

She wanted to jerk him badly and ask stop behaving the way he didn't even know her.

Voice in her head told her, it does matter the way he is behaving, it does matter the way he is ignoring her, but is there always with her.

Taking care of every little need of her. Let it be to make sure she is eating properly, or present when she was having blood test, or bringing Mary back during the second week of her when she was suppose to be away for a month, or sending to her parents home just because she doesn't feel alone.

She was noticing everything. She was being true to herself. But what about him? He himself was keeping a dark truth about Ananaya, although she wished there was nothing wrong with her.

"What it was? Why he was troubled?"

Precap: "Hi," Arnav said.
"Hello, jiju," Arnav's sister in law, Payal said. Khushi's cousin sister.

"Hey, Payal, how are you?" he asked.

"I am really good, you tell how are you and Khushi? I am really angry with her as well as you. I came from the U.S.A you didn't even come to meet me?"

"What? Khushi isn't there?"

"Khushi, no. Was she suppose to be here?" she asked.

"Oh, I thought she must have came to meet you," he said.

He got worried, then he heard laughs. "Common jiju, I was just kidding. Khushi is here only." 


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