Friday 30 May 2014

Cursed love Part 4


Part 5
"Open your eyes!" he said with no concern in his voice as he held her in his arms.

"Sister!" Anjali shouted. "Chote take her to the room!" she then added quickly.

He nodded his head in yes and took her to the said room.

"Hello, Khushi where were have you been!? Have you reached Mumbai safe and sound? You know how everyone was worried for you at home. You said you will call but what happened why didn't you call!? You have gone their alone no one to take care of you...How could you be so careless and don't inform us. DJ has not eaten anything since you have left. Fufa ji, hasn't slept, mom has been crying, and dad is too worried. I had been trying to call, but it wasn't reachable!" Anshu spoke hurriedly in worry. "Now can you please tell me about your whereabouts!?" Anshu asked question one after the other. Without really knowing whether it was Khushi or somebody else.

"Hi, I am actually not Khushi...But may I know who is this!

"Oh I am so sorry...I think it's a wrong number!" Anshu said.

"No, it isn't! It's actually Khushi's number. She is resting now."

"What happen to her? Is she fine?" she sounded worried.

"She is okay!" Anjali lied because she didn't want to worry her even more.

"I am actually her sister, Anshu. How come she is with you? I mean do you know her!?" Anshu asked.

"Actually, I have met with an accident so she took me to the hospital!"

"Oh gosh. I hope you are fine!"

"Yes, I am fine. Thank you for asking. You don't worry, Khushi is here at my home. And she will be here!" she said in conclusion. "I will take full care of her!"

"Oh thank God. Thank you..."

"Anjali...I am Anjali Malhotra!"

"Oh okay thank you Anjali ji! Please once Khushi is up ask her to call me...We were so worried actually she had no one in Mumbai...But I am glad she has found you!"

"So Khushi had lied!" Anjali thought.

"I should be actually thankful to Khushi. Anshu you really don't worry I am here with her and I promise, she will have no problem. She has done a huge favour to me...And I will make sure that she is not alone in Mumbai. I will definitely ask her to call you!"

"Thank you Anjali ji...Take care...Nice to talk to you!"

"Good night!" they both wished each other and hung up the phone. And Anjali looked at Khushi who was laying on the bed.

***The following evening***
"Anjali mam!" the nurse shouted as she saw Anjali returned from office.

"Yes, sister what happened is everything alright!?" Anjali asked panicked as nurse looked little scared.

"Anjali mam, I don't know where is Khushi mam. She isn't in the room!" she said worriedly.

"She isn't in her room!? How is it even possible? Weren't you with her!?"

"I had gone to take her medicine from the nearest pharmacy, but when I got home just 5 minutes ago she wasn't here!"

"Where could she go!? I ask the security they must have seen her going if she has left RM!" she said as she called the security guard.

"Yes, mam I have seen her. She had left 15 minutes ago..." SG said.

"How could you let her go!?" Anjali said angrily.

"I am sorry mam. I thought someone at home must know about it..."

"What's the matter di!?" Arnav asked as he entered the home. He walked to concern Anjali.

"Chote, I don't know where Khushi has gone..."

"She must have gone to her home!"

"Chotey, she has no one on Mumbai," Anjali said little agitated.

"So what's the big deal di...She must have felt fine and left!"

"But she could have told me and left!"

"Don't ask me...It was your responsibility. I had warned you before."

"Chote stop acting that you don't care!" Khushi retorted.

"Di why should I show fake concern!? And I didn't ask her to leave!" he answered casually.

"She has left because of you. If you haven't said those hurtful words for her! I don't know where she has gone," she cried."For me did so much and..."

"Di whatever you did was enough...You took care of her and let her stay here..." he flatly said.

"Stop it chote, and why would you care...She saved my life that's it...Didn't do anything much! I think she shouldn't have...What would have happened? I would had been going through something worst...That girl was just stupid to give her blood...What she did? Nothing! She wouldn't have done it at all!" she said.

"Di, I didn't mean to say that I don't care for you!" he said. "Di you know I love you!"

"No, you don't...Otherwise, you haven't gone against me. You would have listened to me. Believed me. I didn't bring any random girl home. Afterall, she had saved my life...Now, didn't you see her condition. She wasn't at all fine! She has left home because of you and you are the one who is getting back home...I don't care from where and how."

"I am not going to do anything such!" he denied straight.

"Okay," Anjali shrugged her shoulders. " If that's your decision is than what am I doing here...I should be at my home!"

"Di what are you saying!?"

"My decision chote!" she said as she turned on her heels to leave.

Arnav gritted his teeth and scrunched his eyes. As he nose flared.

"Okay, fine!" he shouted at her back:

Anjali smiled, but resumed her walking without looking back at him.

"Where the heck I would look for this girl now!? Couldn't she just tell at least someone before leaving!?" Arnav muttered as he slammed the accelerator.

"Hello," he said as his phone buzzed. "Yes, did you find her!?"
Arnav asked his security officer.
"I don't think she would have gone far because it have been only 30 minutes since, she left! No, she was alone and new in Mumbai!...I have no idea about that!"

"Okay, keep the search on...and keep updating me...Yup!" he said as he finished off his conversation with the security officer.

Khushi sat on her suitcase. At the bus stop. No sign of living world expect the sound of the crickets. Nothing else. The money she had couldn't cover the expenses of the hotels.

"I should have known that I can't handle all this alone..." she cried silently. Wiping her tears occasionally with her dupatta.

The place was almost empty and scary. And it was getting quite cold. She took her grey cardigan inside her suitcase and put it on, to keep herself warm.

"Sweetheart if you are that cold, should we help you keep yourself warm!?" Khushi's almost immediately picked up the race as she heard someone saying.

She slowly looked at the five man looking at her.
She slowly got up her suitcase and held the handle tightly. Five thugs stood with crooked smiles plastered on their face.

They were huge, two of them tall, their eyes full of hunger.

Khushi swallowed the hard lump that had formed in her throat.

"Please leave me alone!" she managed to mutter as she backed up.

"Oh ho look how sweet her voice is...I have hear first time such a beautiful voice in my lifetime!" the shortest of the dark man said in his dark mocking voice.

"Exactly man and beautiful too!" the other man said as he gave other one that stood beside him a high five.

"Looks like tonight will quite be a good night!" one of the man said.

"And delicious too!" Khushi felt utter disgust and fear at the same the cheap way they were talking to her.

"Please go from here!" came her shaky plead.

"We will, but not without you!" the other man said and laughed.
And the others joined them.

Khushi had no idea what to do. She couldn't run, she couldn't escape. She found herself completely trapped as five of them circled around her. She felt her ugly glares at her. She pleaded them, but they only mocked her.

Then all of sudden she realized Anshu had packed pepper sprays. She pushed one of the man getting away from them she hurriedly took all her clothes out.

"What are you looking for sweetheart!?" the huge man, middle height, his smile sickening asked. That made Khushi extremely obnoxious.

Not only him, but other four too. They were all abhorrent. Khushi was alone and no one to help her. That heightened her fears.

The man slowly walked towards her, and other four leading the first one. Khushi's mind screamed and asked her to run away.

She prayed God to send someone to help her.

Khushi without thinking ran...But she was shortly caught.

The man's dark skin boring into her arm, making her wince in pain with the strength he held her.

"You can't run away from cheetah's," man screeched.

"Good job!" the other four man happily said as they all walked to her, to their prey!

He pushed Khushi to the bonnet of the car. Khushi screamed, wriggled, struggled to push off his heavy body off her. When that didn't work she raked her manicured nails in his face.

The other two men held Khushi's arms to make her move immovable.

Khushi knew she had made the man furious. He raised his hand to slap her when he was stopped.

Khushi looked at the hand. But his face was hidden behind the tallest of the man. The man that Khushi injured with her nails looked back. She was shocked, but extremely relieved to see Arnav.

"Let her go!" he said. His voice calm, at the same time cold. His eyes dark with fury.

"How could we just let her go!?" the thug said and removed the dupatta off Khushi.

Arnav's muscles clenched tighter and tighter his jaw muscles trembled. His grip got harder on his wrist. The man was literally begging him to release.

"What the f**k you guys are doing standing there?" he said in pain to other members of gang. They all looked at the saw Arnav. Extremely wolf like that made them shudder.

They all held Arnav.

"You would stop us!?" man mocked.

"You see in front of you I will..."

"Hey..." Arnav snarled. His voice was dangerous.

Khushi immediately moved back as the tall man moved towards Arnav.

"You go and sit in the car!" Arnav growled as he looked at her.

The man held Khushi and challenged Arnav. "What you will do huh!? You are quite atrocious huh!? If you can save her from us, than save."

Khushi hit the man with her hands to free herself. "I will deal with you later!" he said to Khushi and slapped her with force.

And she fell on the road. Her head hit the huge stone at the side of the road and she collapsed.

That had undone Arnav as he saw Khushi.

"Just looked at him!" goon laughed. "Beat him to death!" he then said. Arnav loosened his body, deadly loosed. As he was preparing for something atrocious.

His mind was alert and his eyes shut first, but then it flickered opened.
His body again slowly started tightening, every muscle of his body clenched. But the man that held him, felt a weakness in them and they could no longer could hold him. But they couldn't push themselves away from him either as it was Arnav who was holding them.

"What the heck, I am asking you to beat the hell out of him?" the tall man yelled as he saw his group member trying to get away from him.

Arnav's body was sucking all their energy out of their body.

The man tried to kick Arnav to free himself, but he couldn't even move it an inch.

He felt his soul was leaving his body. The pain worst than he could think of. He felt he was torn from in between. Earth shattering pain hit in all their chest as Arnav let go all of them, as he used the energy that he had sucked away from them, they fell in the all direction.

The tall man who was earlier challenging him was begging for letting him go from there.

Arnav didn't listen him. He walked to him as he was possessed by a soul of wolf.

The man ran at top of his speed, but Arnav under a second, at the speed of light, had gotten hold of his neck.

The goon tried to free himself. "Please let go off, I promise I won't do anything such," he hardly muttered.

"You will, if I will let you!" Arnav growled. He tightly held his neck and ripped his soul out of him as he was using his energy. Until, he wasn't convinced and the man didn't die pleading.

He looked at Khushi, that triggered his furiousness toward the jerk even more. He looked at the man he held, almost dead! When he was satisfied he just lightly shoved him away, but the man fell 5 meters away.

A second later, he looked at Khushi lying on the road.

Then he looked at the other four men laid on the road, lifeless.

His legs ached, his chest was tightly curled as he marched towards Khushi.

He made her lay on her back as he rested her head in his hand.

"Open your eyes!" he said.

Khushi showed little movement as she slowly gained her senses.
"You okay!?" he asked.

Khushi slowly nodded as she tried getting up.

"Let's go!" he said as he had already started walking.

But he stopped when he heard Khushi's cries. She had covered her chest, Arnav looked around for her dupatta and took it from the ground and walked to her.

He didn't say anything, but made enough clear that he was offering her the dupatta.

Khushi with the support of the rock stood up and took the dupatta from his hand. Her forehead hurt.

Arnav looked straight somewhere, but at her. But could tell that she was quite shaken after, what had happened few minutes ago at the place where she stood.

"Di, is waiting for us!" he said.

"I can't go home with you!" she softly said trying to hide her tears from him.

"You better be in the car, within two minutes...Otherwise, I have other better things to do in my life!" he snapped and walked away from there.

Khushi was left with no other option, she walked after him, but before that she put her clothes back in the suitcase and zipped it.

Arnav blew the horn louder and louder. Khushi was not in her senses that she could pay it attention.

She stumbled over one person and dreaded to see his face. It was pale blue. As there was no blood in his light brown skin. But more than that she could only see was evil faces ready to make her their prey.

Overshadowing the fears she immediately flinched back but rushed towards Arnav's car. Her fear were growing, she felt herself even more vulnerable. She gripped the handle of the suitcase tighter and rushed. Not daring to turn back.

And quickly sat in the front seat next to Arnav's before putting her suitcase at the back seat of the car.

His hands clenched the steering wheel, as soon as Khushi sat in
he took the one sharp turn, at the high speed. Khushi could sense his anger. But she wasn't sure why he was angry.

Arnav was riding his Audi at the top speed. In normal situation, Khushi would panick, but instead it was an uncomfortable relief for her. It felt like she was racing away from the evils, but their faces still daunted her.

She knew she was finished, if Arnav hadn't came there on time.

Arnav's muscles eased a bit as he heard her low moans. She was crying. Her dupatta was wrapped around herself as she was scared to death.

He slowed down the speed of the car, his grip on the steering loosened.

At the corner of his eyes, he could see her face turned to the other side as she wiped the tears away from her cheeks that were continuously dripping down her eyes.

Blood was still oozing out of her head. Arnav drove little faster just to get back home quickly, so that she could get her wound dressed.

Meanwhile, he was trying to find any topic to talk to her to divert her mind, intentionally, but nothing was coming out of his mind. Then he just decided to keep mum.

He pressed the button as he stopped at the main gait, outside the RM. And the automatic door opened.

He drove past the gate and stopped at the driveway as he waited for Khushi to climb out the car, so that he could park the car in the garage.
But she was sitting numb. His hands tightly clutching her bruised arms. He felt his anger returning but it vanished as he looked outside as his driver lightly tapped the mirror window.

He rolled down the mirror.

"Sir, I park the car in the garage!" he said.

"No, it's okay. I park it you may go home!" he said to grab Khushi's attention, rather than just nodding or shooking his head in simple yes or no that he would usually do.

"Khushi, we have reached home!" he said.

She didn't seem to listen. He felt his heart stopped as Khushi suddenly broke into cries. She covered her face with her hands.

He didn't wait for her reply and parked his Audi beside his Lamborghini.

"Di is waiting!" he said as he shut off the engine, without acknowledging her.

Khushi quickly got out of the car and ran out of the garage. Arnav followed her.

"Look..." he started off without knowing where to start or what to say.

"I understand...whatever happened!" he said as his feet slowly walked to her as stood behind her.

Khushi immediately held his coat tightly and hugged him. Arnav jolted a step back as he was taken by surprise.

"It's okay...Everything is fine!" he heard himself saying to her.

She wasn't in state of saying anything, but cry. He could feel her pain, he wanted to comfort her, but he held himself back. There was a strong feeling that was attracting him to her, but at the same something really forcing him to go away from her.

She cried in his arms, she needed it. She had gone through the worst experience of her life. Her sobs shook her body.

"If you haven't come on time..." he heard her saying when her sobs had subsided a bit. He closed his eyes at the pain in her voice.

"Nothing would happen to you, as long I am with you!" he said without intention to say it, and before he could really got hold of those words that left his mouth giving much attention or thought. His own made promise surprised him.

To top it, he felt his eyes watery as a drop clung at the corner of his eye. Before he could really give it a thought he got aware of her more. Her sobs, cries had stopped. And felt her weight on him. Her hands fell on his sides, as she leaned against his chest. He balanced her weight on his hand as she was about to fall backwards the minute he tried to lift her head. He felt his whole world stopped and only one he could do was stare at her beautiful, innocent face.

Tears still live as it slipped down her eyes.


Confidence is good, but over confidence over anything truly hurt you in a real bad way!

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