Friday 30 May 2014

Cursed Love Prologue



"It's the end, for a new beginning!"
"It is said that history repeats itself!"
You must be thinking why am I saying this?

First of all, it's the truth!
Second reason you would know by yourself.

1 years ago 1st Oct 1986
Khushi and Arnav both gave their life for each other.

It was hard for Khushi to live, and it was impossible for Arnav to live without her.

Present: 28 October 1987

***At the hospital***
Cries of the two babies echoed in the hospital ward.

"Congratulations Mr. Jagdish Raizada it's boy!" Doctor told him.

Mr. JR immediately rushed into the ward, to see his new born baby, whom he had been waiting for.

Now he took his little one in his hand, and his heart filled with happiness.

"Mr. Raizada our baby!" Mrs. Raizada said with tears of happiness in her eyes.

"Yes, Savitri our baby!"

"What shall we name him?"

"Arnav...Arnav Singh Raizada!" Mr. JR
immediately answered.

"It's a beautiful name!" Mrs. Savitri Raizada spoke.

"It's a really good name daddy!" Arnav's elder sister 4 year old Anjali spoke.

"Do you like it, my princess?" her dad asked.

"Very much!" an elderly woman said as she entered the ward.

"Congratulations son-in-law and my sweet daughter," Mrs. Deviyani wished and carried Arnav in her arms.

Her heart fluttered the moment she took him in her arms, her grandson giggled and his charcoal black eyes sparkled aqua blue!


In the second ward!

"Congratulations Mr. Gupta it's a girl!" Dr. Joshi replied. "But it's a sad news Mr. Gupta we couldn't able to save your wife," Dr. Joshi further replied sadly.

Mr. Gupta broke down hearing the news. The news of his wife death had shattered him whereas the happiness that he had after holding his dear little daughter in hand had filled his heart with joy.

It was his and his wife's dream to have this child especially a baby girl and when it had finally fulfilled she wasn't there to celebrate with him.

"But it's okay I promise Pamela that I would give our daughter "Khushi" the best upbringing. I have given the name to our daughter that we both decided together.


"Mr. JR we have to keep the baby in children ward for a few check ups. If you don't want mind can I take him?" Nurse replied.

"Yes, yes sure!" Arnav's dad replied.

"Mr. Gupta, I have to take baby girl for her check up to see there are no complications or anything to worry about!"

"Yes, sure!" Khushi's dad said weakly.

She cried bitterly the moment her dad let go off her.

"Please don't worry Mr. Gupta she would be alright!" Nurse told him as she saw worry on his face.

***At the children's ward***

Khushi's cries hadn't subsided yet, her face was all red. Nurse placed Khushi in the crib near Arnav's.

Arnav immediately looked at Khushi and giggled to get her attention and when she looked at him back she immediately stopped crying, she fluttered her eyes to see his face.
She too giggled.

And now Khushi's chocolate brown eyes and Arnav's charcoal black eyes sparkled aqua blue as they both eye locked.

The Author of this post have chosen to restrict the content of this Post to members only.

Hey guys,
Thank you for the wonderful response to the storyline...
I hope you would enjoy reading it further too...
I know I said I will not be updating but here's the little update...
I hope you would like it...There are so many questions you asked! I will surely answer them...
Like why the story title named "Cursed?"
The reason you would know definitely as the story progress...
And when would Arnav Khushi would meet, in what situation they would meet is all in the next update that I will regularly write after the break. I will try my level best to update before if I could!

Also this story is full of suspense and you have to be really really patient!



As Khushi's chocolate brown eyes and Arnav's charcoal black eyes came into contact they sparkled aqua blue with a bit of hazel green.

Weather outside had drastically changed, accompanied by the earth shattering thunder in the sky. The rain poured down at earth shaking intensity.

Arnav flapped his hand in the air showing his excitement and Khushi did the same. She couldn't stop laughing as little Arnav continued to amuse her.

They couldn't talk but they were communicating, telepathically or it was just as they were amused to see each other, as there was a deep connection between them.

Due to the aggressive weather outside there was a complete darkness even though it was hardly 4:0 PM, nurse turned on all the lights in the children ward.

***In the general ward***

Nani all of sudden, stood up from the sofa and looked outside the window. Lines of worries had formed on her forehead. Her heart beat increased all of sudden.

She mumbled something in her mind and shut the window.

"Ma what happen?" Arnav's mom asked.

"Something...!" she opened her mouth to answer her question, but stopped as she turned on the extra light to diminish the darkness in the room due to the gloomy weather outside.

"Do you see the weather outside? This is the third time we are experiencing in the last 78 years and the last time it was 1 year ago," Nani told her. Her tone was calm, but had an underlying anguish.

"Anything unusual in that ma?"

"In a strange way, bitiya!" Nani told her.

"Powers has come to know!"

"Mr. Gupta, your daughter is good to go!" Dr. Joshi said as she picked her up and put her in Mr. Gupta's arms.

She had again started crying the moment doctor had carried her and put her in her dad's arms.

"Oh what happen to my sweetie?" Khushi's dad babbled to calm her crying daughter.

"She might be missing her mom!" Dr. Joshi told him and Mr. Gupta couldn't held his tears back. "Mr. Gupta, if you don't mind should I suggest you something why don't you get married?"

The loss of the life partner and the fear to raise his little daughter without the love of mom had cringed his heart.

"No, Dr. Joshi. I would raise my daughter alone. I know what you mean, but I would give her so much love that she would never ever feel the loss of her mother. I would give her the love of both mother and the father. Moreover, I don't want my angel to be in wrong hands. She is precious to me," Khushi's dad said and took her from there.

Right after Khushi left, Arnav looked here and there and especially in the crib in which Khushi was lying a minute ago. When he didn't find her he too started crying.

"Hey little champ what happen?" Dr. Joshi turned around as she heard Arnav cries.

"Hi Doctor Joshi!" Nani said as she entered the children's ward.

"Hi, auntie ji! Look little champ is crying. I think he is in love!" Dr. Joshi joked.

"Huh?" Nani asked laughingly.

"Yes, just a moment ago there was a baby girl beside his crib they both had been playing before, when she left he started crying."

"Ha ha yes!" Nani laughed out when she heard the story.

"Ole mera Chote what happen?" Nani asked as she picked him in his arms, but he wasn't ready too stop crying.

Nani immediately took her to her daughter.

"Here bitiya feed him he is hungry!" Nani said. "And before that here is this locket for our little prince from my side," Nani said as she made him wear the little locket. Make sure he wears it or keep it with himself all the time."

"Yes, mom it would always be with him. After all his grandmother has given him. His dad wore it, and now it's his turn!"

"Yes, May god keep him safe and shower his blessings on him. I have kept puja at home tomorrow. I go and see if everything is ready!"

"But ma the weather outside is really bad!"

"No, bitiya there are more important things to worry about. You take care of yourself and this little prince. And don't worry I will be fine!"

"Okay, mom you take care."

"Yes, bitiya!" Nani forbid her good bye and left from there.

***At Gupta house***

"Here my little sweet princess this is your little gift from your mother side!"
Khushi's dad said as he picked her up to make her wear little necklace. "This is your mom's blessing!"

Khushi looked at her dad as she had no idea what he was saying but she paid her full attention.

The weather was calm few minutes what some how again got worst. Khushi's dad got up to close the windows and left Khushi on the sofa.
She twist and turned and was about to fall on the hard floor when her dad came running towards and caught her.

"Khushi!" he took in his trembling hands. "I am so sorry bitiya...I am so sorry!" his voice quivered. Khushi got scared and started crying.

The necklace caught his eye sight and he immediately made her wear it.

Khushi's mom died right after giving birth to her.

There was no surprise history repeated itself here again. The wroth weather? Another sign.

Looked like as the strange powers were at the war. But in what other usual ways the history was again going to repeat itself?


The answer was just too complicated as the question itself was.


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