Friday 30 May 2014

Cursed Love part 3


Screen showed a number that she didn't recognize.

But before she could slide the answer button phone fell from her hand and she collapsed.

"Why isn't she picking up the phone?" Anjali thought. "May be it's really not her number? But I can't be sure if it is or not? How could I forgot to take her phone number?" she muttered.

"Can you please stop the car at the temple?" Anjali said to the driver. "I hope you won't mind sister!" then she said to the nurse.

"No, it's absolutely okay Anjali mam...If you want to, we may!"

"Thank you!" she said and looked outside the window.

They had just passed the bus stop when Anjali's looked a lady collapsed.

"Driver please stop the car!" she immediately cried. And driver brought the car to stop as quickly as he could.

"Anjali mam where are you going?" Nurse asked. "Please mam you haven't recovered fully!"

"I am okay...please come with me!" she shouted.

She so assumed that it's Khushi. Because she had seen Khushi wearing white frock suit and the girl lying on the ground was also wearing white.

Nurse and the driver came running after Anjali.

Anjali carefully went close to the girl and moved her hair away from her face to have a proper view. Her doubt were cleared it was Khushi.

Her eyes widened in shock and her forehead furrowed in concern.

"Oh God Khushi!" she said as she put her head in her lap.

"Mam she is the one who has donated her blood to you!" Nurse quickly said as she too recognized her.

"Yes, sister she is Khushi...Oh god she has a very high fever."

Her face was pale, her body was hot with fever.

"Please sister help me she need our help. We have to immediately take her home with us hospital is really far from here."

"Yes, mam!" Nurse answered.

"Driver please get the car here!" Anjali immediately said as the car was parked on the other side of the road and driver nodded as he ran to the car...

***At RM***

Khushi's body shivered even when her surroundings were quite warm. Anjali wrapped her body with warm heavy blankets. She put the cold clothe on her forehead to bring her body temperature down. Meanwhile, she waited for Anchal to come and do her check up.

"Mary is dinner ready?" Anjali asked the caretaker.

"Yes, bitiya it is. Once Khushi is up we can serve her!"

"Anjali di, doctor is here!" HP said as he stood outside the door.

"Mam if you need me please give me a call!" Mary said and left.

"Yes," Anjali said and she welcomed Anchal.

"Anchal thank god you are here...Please do her check up...She is boiling in fever."

"It's probably she hasn't eaten anything after donating blood...Let me do her check!"

"Yes," Anjali said as she stood up and walked to the other side of the bed to gave Anchal enough room so that she could do Khushi's check up.

"Her blood pressure is low!" Anchal said soon after she checked her B.P. "Even the glucose levels are low. I inject glucose into her body and how fast she recovers depends how fast her body responds. I strongly recommend to give her as much water possible once she gain her senses."

"She would soon be fine right?" Anjali asked in fear.

"Anjali she is really weak...If she recovers it's good, otherwise we have to admit her in the hospital."

"I hope she gets well...I am really worried...It's only because of me."

"Don't worry Anjali she will of course be fine but in we case it might take time...I must say she is strong...When I told her you need blood she quickly agreed to donate it..."

"Yes, you are right. She didn't tell me anything. Neither that she gave me her blood nor about she paid for the medicine!"

"Oh wow! Really hard to believe such people are there in this world..."

"That's true!"

"But you don't worry. Here's this medicine give her...If you need me just give me a call I will come immediately. And you take care of yourself too...Don't ignore your health...Otherwise, you know Arnav!"

"Yes!" Anjali said as she lightly laughed, but it disappeared as it was replaced with sadness as she looked at Khushi.

Arnav entered the RM talking to Aman about the important deal...

"It would be most important..." Arnav was saying, but he stopped, as he sensed someone's strong presence.

An unknown presence that he really didn't know he could feel. There was a strong feeling of attraction that he had felt before, when he had talked to Khushi on phone, he remembered.

"Good evening, Arnav bhaiya!" OP said as he came running and took work bag from his hand.

"Chote, you home!" Anjali said as she came downstairs.

"Good evening Anjali di!" Aman spoke.

"Good evening, Aman!"

"Di aren't you suppose to be resting?" Arnav asked.

"Well rest is for those people who needs it...I am fine..."

"Don't tell me if in the middle of the night you need to see the doctor!" he snapped and left from there to his room.

"I won't!" she answered back.

"Di, Arnav sir is right you should be resting!"

"I know Aman, but there's a problem. Come I was waiting for you!"

"Problem?" Aman said as he helped Anjali to sit on the sofa.

"Yes, remember I told you about Khushi?"

"Yes, the one who took you to the hospital!" Aman said as he himself settled on the sofa.

"Exactly! She is here...I found her unconscious at the bus stop and immediately got her home...She is not at all well..."

Aman looked at her in concern as she spoke.

"I am really worried about her. Anchal had come and she did her check up! She said she will be fine but doesn't know how long it would take her to recover!"

"Di, don't worry she would be fine!"

"I know...But I am also worried about her family? She had told me that she has come to her bhua ji! Her bhua ji must be worried!"

"Yes, why don't you just check her phone? She might have her bhua ji number. Either Khushi herself or her bhua ji had called each other!"

"I can't since she has set a pass code!"

"Oh then least we can do is wait," Aman said.

"Yes," Anjali said.

"Aman baba would you like to eat something!" Mary asked.

"Not at the moment babes let Arnav sir come!"

"Okay, Anjali bitiya come and eat it's time for your medicine!"

"Yes, yes di!" Aman quickly got up and went to Anjali. "You really don't take care of yourself and then later you blame that we worry without any rhyme and reason."

"Effect of Chote has slowly started to get on you!" Anjali complained but shortly giggled when Aman chuckled.

Arnav had made his out of his room. A feeling of strangeness had still engulfed his mind.

He stopped when he saw nurse coming out of the guest room.

"Excuse me!" he said from behind.

"Yes sir!" Nurse said as she looked at him.

"You here!? You came too look after Anjali do right?"

"Yes, sir...But now I am looking after Khushi mam!"

"Khushi?" he muttered and walked to the guest room. His heart thudded in his chest as he was finally going to see the person for whom he had been waiting since don't know how long!?

He slowly opened the door of the guest room and his eyes fell on Khushi who was lying on the bed.

It seemed like everything around him had frozen...

It was just him and her.

At the speed of light, he had travelled, in his mind, to a place where he kind off knew her. Not only knew her but...(he couldn't find the right word).

His head spun, but he stood still. His eyes bored at the girl lying in front of his eyes.

It looked like he was just staring at her, but it was really his mind that was talking, responding, reacting in every other way.

A ball of different emotions had swelled in his chest.

Impulsively, his feet on their own started moving forward towards her.

He can't believe he was feeling an ache...

An heart ache?

He was happy to see her, but he had no idea about it.

He felt a ridiculously strong attraction towards her.

"Khadoos...I am least interested..." he heard someone's voice in back of his mind, (but he wasn't sure who had said that...Khushi? He wasn't sure!) in anger and he hadn't said anything, but just had walked away...(At the moment, he couldn't even tell whether if it was him. Because the picture and the voices were just too vague and unclear to make anything out of it.

His hand had raised to touch her as he was feeling her pain.

When his hand was only an inch away he immediately pulled it back. He found himself sitting close to her and suddenly got up.

He held his aching head as mind wrecking thoughts hit all at once.

Note: [What really happens to Arnav or Khushi when they encounter is a connection.
Now onwards, whenever they would meet they will build a web of connections, where they will kind off remember their past...It's a reincarnation. They will struggle between knowing each other, but once they are out of that web they will be normal sometimes it would be like nothing really happened to them...Just keep that in mind when you are reading...Their relationship will start with a will ask what's new in that? There is nothing new! ASR is same in this story. Stubborn, ruthless...But with a twist Khushi is completely opposite that we know off...Here she is completely innocent...THE MOST IMPORTANT THING TO KEEP IN MIND IS THEIR LOVE IS CURSED, THE EVIL POWERS WOULD DO ANYTHING TO SEPARATE THEM...IN ALL THIS WOULD THEY BE ABLE TO SAVE THEIR LOVE! FOR THAT YOU HAVE TO READ FURTHER...That's it for now!
"What the heck am I doing here?" he asked himself and angrily paced out of the room.

Khushi immediately opened her eyes in fear as she heard familiar voice of Arnav. She tried getting up quickly but her sickness failed her. But she was scared as she found herself at the very unknown place.

"Di!" she then heard Arnav shouting...

She got even more scared, she wanted to know where she really was. With great difficulty she managed to got up the bed and slowly made her way out of the room even though she felt dizzy.

"Di..." Arnav shout furiously until he didn't get her answer back.


"Now what's wrong?" She said as she prepared herself to face her angry brother. At the same time curiosity hit her. Curiosity to know what had got on his nerves.

She and Aman came out of the dinning room.

"Chote what's wrong? Why you brought the whole house down?"

"Di what that girl is doing in this house?"

"Chote just relax! She is Khushi. She is the one who has saved me!"

Arnav rolled his eyes.

"So if doctors save you, do you think you will bring them home too?"

"Yes, they come to do my check...And today I brought nurse home too!" Anjali joked and that made him even more angry.

"Di I am not joking!" he snapped.

"Who said I am? Even I am saying seriously! Aman do you think I am kidding?"

Aman didn't say anything. He was just too scared to say anything.

"Di I want that girl out of this house?"

Anjali looked at him in disbelief.

"Chote what has happened to you? She has saved my life and now she is sick only because of me! I found her collapsed..."

"Whatever di there are hospitals to deal with such people. You could have called the ambulance and sent her to the hospital. Couldn't you just give it a thought before bringing her home!"

"I very well knew where should I have taken her," Anjali snapped. "By the way, I did what I thought was right!"

"And let me tell you there is no need to fuss about anything. She isn't your responsibility, but mine...For you it won't matter but to me she does. The conclusion of this whole argument is...She isn't going anymore...Not until, I know she is absolutely fine!"

"Okay, fine do whatever you feel like...But I want that girl out of this house as soon as possible! At least at home I don't want any strangers!" he muttered as he angrily walked out of there.

Tears had sprung down her eyes after hearing Arnav's and Anjali's conversation.

She didn't feel bad for what Arnav had said...In fact, he was right...She should be at the hospital not at his home.

"What's even wrong with this boy?" Anjali asked as she looked at him going away.

"Di, he is just little furious...You just relax!"

Arnav stopped as he looked at Khushi standing against the wall. He felt his heart stopped the moment he looked at her, looking back at him right in his eyes.

Khushi's body went into a shock mode at the same instance she had looked at him.

Her head spun at the intensity of cyclone, that at the moment her weak body couldn't able to cope up with...

"Arnav ji..." she muttered and Arnav really couldn't able to make sense of what she said before she collapsed.

He quickly got into action and covered the distance of ten feet in one quick stride and held her in his arms.

"Khushi!" he shouted.

Anjali got scared as she heard Arnav's scream. She immediately looked at Aman in fear and they both ran upstairs.

"Open your eyes!" he said with no concern in his voice.

"Sister!" Anjali shouted as she looked Arnav holding her in his arms. "Chote take her to the room!" she then added quickly.

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