Friday 30 May 2014

Betrayal Part 7

~~~~~~~PART 7~~~~~~~~~

Arnav had back to back meetings, he didn't even get time to enquire about Khushi. But he was relieved that Khushi was at her parents house. They will make sure she was safe. So with relaxed minded he went on with his work.

Time flew by in quick strides. "Aman, is there anything else to focus on."

"No, sir, that is it. Please go home you look tired." Aman was Arnav's manager as well as a very good friend.

"Alright, so you may leave too. I am going home. Lavanya is coming tomorrow. So, I might come late to the office."

"No worries, tomorrow is Saturday and there isn't any thing that we have to worry about. All meetings are done."

"Okay, so I will see you tomorrow!" Arnav said as he picked up his phone from the table.

"Yes, good night."

            * * *
Arnav today drove by himself. On his way back, he thought of calling Gupta's to see if Khushi was still there. He parked his car to the side of the road.

He quickly dialled the number. After two three rings it was picked up.
"Hi," he said.

"Hello, jiju," Arnav's sister in law, Payal said, Khushi's cousin sister.

"Hey, Payal, how are you? You here in India?" he asked. "When did you come?"

"I am really good, you tell how are you? I just arrived in the afternoon. A surprise visit. But I am really mad I came from the U.S.A Khushi didn't even come to meet me..."

"What? Khushi isn't there?" he immediately cut her off.

"Khushi, no. Was she suppose to be here?" she asked.

"Yes, I thought she had come to see you guys," he said. "Are you sure?" she isn't there. Or, didn't even come?"

"No, jiju why would I lie?" she said.

"She didn't go to Gupta house? Then where she was?" he thought. His heart scrunched in worries.

Then he heard Payal's laugh on the other side of the phone. "Come on jiju, don't be so worried Khushi is here," she finally disclosed.

He took a deep sigh of relief. For a minute he got so worried about thinking where Khushi could go, that his heart was ready to jump out of his chest.

"I am sorry jiju, I think I disturbed you.
But jiju she seems to be out of place. Looks like she is missing you a lot," she teased. "She wasn't even happy seeing me? Now come home..."

"I can't Payal I have some..."

"No, no excuses jiju. Come home!" she said and hung up the phone.

Arnav let out a long sigh as he put the phone on the seat and drove to Gupta house.

                          * * *
"Jiju is here!" Payal jumped in excitement. And Khushi? Her mood had elevated at the speed of light. She immediately got up from the sofa.

"Hey, Jiju," Payal said as Arnav got inside the house and hugged him.

"First of all, a big hearty congratulations to you and my sweet sister, Khushi...So, you are going to be a parents huh?" she said wiggling her eyebrows.

Khushi looked at him, she could see a pain drawn on his face, but he managed a cheerful smile. "Thank you," he said.

"Please come in jiju, look at your wife, since her arrival her mood is so wilted."

"Keep quite Payal, let him come in," Khushi finally said.

"Oh see someone is dying to meet him," Payal teased.

"Hey, Arnav son, how are you?" Mrs. Gupta said as she too came out of kitchen.

"I am good," he said with a smile . "How are you?"

"Good, I was going to ask Khushi to call for a dinner. You must be tired of all day work. Come food is ready."

"Yes, jiju now I am sure Khushi will at least eat something!"

"Shut up payal," Khushi could only say.

"Where is Mr. Gupta?" Arnav asked.

"Dad has gone to office," Khushi answered. But she was surprised he asked about her dad. The suspense was killing her.

~~~At the dinning room~~~

Arnav was going to sit in the opposite seat to Khushi's when Payal remarked. She got up her own seat. "Jiju, that's not your seat."

She held his arm and walked him to the other side of the dinner table, "your seat is here, beside Khushi," she said.

"Payal stop teasing? now go and get the salad plate?" Mrs. Gupta ordered.

"Yes, massi in quick few seconds."

"Khushi serve Arnav beta," Mrs. Gupta said.

Khushi nodded and was about to put rice in his plate when he stopped her as he put his hand. Instead, he put food for her and asked her to eat.

"Here is the salad?" Payal said and seated herself in the chair.

"So, tell me how are you Payal?" Arnav asked. Breaking the silence.
"And surprise visit?"

"Perfect jiju. Yes, surprise visit. Wanted to meet Khushi it had been long. So came."

"Actually my sister want this crazy girl to get married!" Mrs. Gupta remarked.

"Really?" Arnav said as he ate his food.

"It means you definitely are runaway," Arnav grimaced.

Payal giggled. "To be honest, it is the reason. I don't want to get married," Payal moaned.

"But here mom is forcing massi to find a guy for me!"

Arnav laughed. "Should I look for a guy?"

Khushi smiled. "Jiju, by god, if you will look for a guy I will actually get married."

"Okay, perfect," Arnav said. "What kind off guy you were looking for?"

"Just like you," Khushi said looking at him. Almost in a dreamy state. For quite a long, she had been making remarks that she actually never thought of, just blurted them and they totally surprised her as to Arnav.

"Seriously, jiju, I wish I could have you," Payal said.

"Did I forget to tell you this girl is crazy?" Mrs. Gupta remarked.

Arnav couldn't help, but chuckle. His giggle was contagious. It made Khushi smile heartily.

By mistake, as he talked, Arnav picked up hot green pepper and ate it , first he didn't realize. When it stung his mouth, his eyes watered.

Khushi jumped in her seat.

"Oh gosh jiju," Payal too jumped up.

"Arnav you alright," Khushi said as she poured water in his glass. And made him drink water.

"Arnav where was your mind? And who put this chilli here?" she asked getting worried and angry at the same time.

"I brought it for myself it was quite hot one, I am so sorry jiju I didn't know. You don't like them?"

"Here son have this chocolate you will feel better!" Mrs. Gupta said.

"I am fine. And it's okay Payal," he said. He took water glass from Khushi and put it on the table.

"Relax, I am fine," he said not looking at Khushi, but said to her, of course.

Khushi was embarrassed, but she was worried about him.

"I am sorry again, jiju!" Payal said.

"Oh it's okay, Payal, you didn't do anything intentionally," he reassured her. "It was my mistake. I wasn't careful."

"But I am still sorry," she said.

"You don't have to," he assured her again.

"You didn't do anything intentionally," he had said. Here she was mad about chilli incident, but what about her own doings?

It brought pangs of guilt inside her chest. Rest of the dinner was eaten in silence.

Khushi had lost her appetite, but she had to eat it. She knew Arnav was making sure if she was eating well. In that matter, she didn't want to disappoint him.

After the dinner, Khushi, Arnav, Payal sat and talked.

"Children, should I prepare coffee for you?" Mrs. Gupta asked.

"Huh, actually, I guess I should leave!" Arnav said. "Khushi could stay here for tonight!"

Khushi was going to protest, but she stopped thinking on what basis?

"Not at all jiju, you are too staying here for tonight."

Arnav didn't say no, but he complained that he didn't have clothes. Mrs. Gupta assured him that there are pair of new clothes that he could wear for sure.

Khushi relaxed. She was happy. So happy that she couldn't tell.

"Perfect!" Khushi's excitement could be seen in Payal's excitement.

"So late night talks for sure," Payal said Payal said as she snapped her finger towards Arnav.

"Sure," Arnav replied.

"Awesome I go and make coffee," Mrs. Gupta said.

"Ma I go and make it," Khushi said.

"No baby you should be resting," she demanded.

"Ma, I am alright. You sit here I go and prepare coffee. It shouldn't take lot of time."

By the way, she thought she wasn't needed there. Being there she was suffocating Arnav. She could feel it.

What was happening to her she had no idea. She never thought of the consequences and here today, she was bearing the result.

"You didn't do anything intentionally," again buzzed in her mind. Her mistake, what was really thinking? "I should have been more careful," he had added.

Careful from getting hurt, intentionally. Now she thinks it was her mistake.

Her nerves felt as they were twisted. Did he deserve this bad? She was going to get insane. Worst, she couldn't even ask for sorry.

Fresh warm tears clouded her vision. Then she let the dam of tears broke. She covered her mouth with her hands to muffle her sobs. Her parents will be ashamed of her. She hated it more than anything, herself.

"Khushi you okay there," her mom asked when she didn't come for the next 15 minutes.

"I go and see," Payal said.

"Coming," Khushi said sounding normal. She quickly wiped her tears and poured the coffee in the cups.

She checked in the mirror if she didn't look as she was crying.

"Here you are!" Payal said. Arnav immediately got up and took tray from Khushi's hand. Their hand touched, it didn't affect Arnav, if it did, he didn't show it.

Khushi sat beside him, exhausted. Even Arnav was quite tired. Last night they both hadn't slept. But Arnav showed no sign of tiredness too.

To Khushi it did affect her in every way. But his ignorance towards her made her every feeling turning into hurt.

Khushi looked at him as he talked to Payal. She was trying to form things inside her head, put scrabbles into meaningful words...He was calm, composed. Not showing the havoc going inside him. How did in the world he manage to show the world not his true emotions?

Yesterday night he let out his build up emotions, but refused to completely free himself from them.

Funny thing, it was something that would have made her feel happy seeing him in such condition. His break down should have put her soul to rest, but it brutally killed her.

There was so many "why's" roaming in her mind that she needed answer to, but couldn't find any.

Another burst of emotions. Should she yell "I hate you, Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada. Hate you for making me this way!"

Her thoughts were diverted when the door well rang. It might be her dad. She volunteered to open the door. Servants had long retired.

"Khushi, how are you doll?" he said as he embraced her in a side hug.

"I am good, dad!" she said sadly.

"Hi, Mr. Gupta," Arnav said as he got up from the sofa and greeted him.

"Hi," he said unfriendly. "Mrs. Gupta I am little tired. Need rest. So I am off to bed!"

"Dad I have made coffee!" Khushi spoke up.

"Oh I am fine dear. I should retire for tonight!" he said and left.

"Children you guys enjoy, I should leave too!" Mrs. Gupta said.

"Sure good night," Arnav said.
                      * * *
Mrs. Gupta too retired. And threesome sat and talked. Mostly, Payal jumping in and forcing them to talk.

Still Khushi hadn't said anything much. She was just too tired and her mind was at war.

Thinking, thinking and thinking was the only thing going in her mind at the moment.

Eventually, her body no longer supported it, she fell asleep. Her head fell on Arnav's shoulder.

"Here you go Mrs. Raizada is slept," Payal giggled. Arnav carefully sat back and balanced her head on his shoulder. Without disturbing her sleep.

"Jiju is it hard to stay with the pregnant woman?" Payal asked, out of curiosity. "Just a general question. You know mood swings and all that."

Arnav stayed quite for a while before he finally answered her.

"She is hardly few week pregnant," he said. No sign of awkwardness about the matter. As he had accepted the dark truth.

It was a cute remark, Payal thought. "Not hard to live with her. Not with Khushi," he said honestly. "I could imagine how awful it could be for her or any woman to go through all this new changes."

"You know that's why I want a man like you!" she said as she played with the rim of the coffee cup, cross legged on the floor.

"Oh come on, I am sure there are way more better men than me, I could be awful. None other than your sister could tell you. Actually you should ask her first, what kind of person I am, than I am sure you will change your mind."

"That's a wise thing for you to say, jiju! I can tell what kind off person you are."

Arnav had blushed, but he was sad. "Anyways, I think Khushi needs rest. She looked extremely tired today."

Payal's remark made Arnav refer about last night.

Arnav was worried again. "Yes," he said. As he balanced her head with his hand. He got up and picked her in his arms.

"Jiju, massi has put your clothes in your room!" she said and took the empty coffee mugs.

"Thanks to her. Good night, talk to you in the morning!"

"Yes, sweet dreams," she said as she ran her hand in Khushi's hair and kissed her lightly.

                      * * *
Arnav switched the light of the room to dim. He gently placed Khushi on the bed and pulled the blanket on top of her.

"Arnav," he heard her saying his name in her sleep. Then she said something that he couldn't make out. She was uncomfortable. He stepped back to her. He sat on his toes and ran his hand in her hair lightly, to ease her.

Different emotions he felt as he looked at her. He didn't know why there was a change in Khushi's behaviour. She wasn't angry at him, why, he had no idea.

Little part of his told him that she was guilty. If it was, it was going to be worst. He didn't want to make her guilty, not at this point. He had to be extremely careful.

His every step should be very careful.
What future hold for him, for her? He couldn't tell.

He wanted to liberate her, but he was helpless that he couldn't. Not when the beast, Aditiya roamed freely. His anger clouded every emotion. He got up, away from Khushi.

Refusing to look at her.

                          * * *
Arnav had laid beside Khushi. However, he couldn't sleep. Khushi on the other side, sounded fast asleep. His worries, pain never let him to sleep anyhow, he thought. But he could hold no longer. When he was too tired, around 3:00 AM he had fallen asleep.

Khushi fidgeted as she had a dream of Arnav. He was talking again to her as he would usually do in her dream. It made her smile in her sleep. Unknowingly, she rolled to Arnav's side of the bed and placed her arm around his waist.

One could tell how safe she felt. There was a familiarity in it. She wasn't sure if that was part of her dream, if it was, she didn't dare to disturb it.

Pain engulfed her heart for a very unknown reason. She had slept over thinking and now everything was playing in her mind in her sleep.

She was edgy. She hated how Arnav talked on phone with his friend, what was her name? Lavanaya?

She could picture them together, although she had no idea how she looked like. But there was one girl in her dream, and she assumed it was her.

Arnav is happy with her. He smiles as she talked to him. Then he laughs. She herself is standing in one corner observing him. She could tell he could see her, looking at him. But he makes no effort to talk to her, instead he engaged himself even more with the girl he is talking too.

She gets irritated, her muscles tensed.

Her hold around Arnav tightens. Getting little aware of Khushi's uneasy movements, and her arms righting around him made Arnav open his eyes. He thought she was in pain.

Immediately he turned around to face her, her arms tightly wrapping around him. As she didn't want to let to off him.

"Khushi," he murmured softly. Troubled by a dream, he thought. If she was in pain, he couldn't tell. He softly placed his hand on her stomach, he hoped she was fine.

"Khushi," he repeated. Lines on her forehead furrowed relaxed by his voice. He patted her head and she eased. Her dream had vanished and she was slipped back to peaceful slumber with her arms around Arnav. Safe.

Arnav too relaxed as he saw her face. He just had realized that he hadn't seen her face, for ages, it felt.

Her arms around him made him remind of his old days. They had been this close that they could sleep together, but how fool he was to think they would be like for ages, he thought.

He smiled a weak smile and didn't get to know when he had dozed off.
His capacity to think was gone.

He couldn't let her go, despite knowing the child wasn't his, in other words, his wife cheated him.

He knew he didn't deserve her love, but one thing that really pricked his heart was that she was pregnant with a rapist.

He was asleep, but only turned and tossed uneasily on the bed. Even in his sleep he was restless.

                    * * *
In the morning, when Khushi woke up she felt terribly exhausted. Arnav laid beside her, awake. He was looking at the ceiling blankly of Khushi's pink room; as he was waiting for her to wake up her sleep. She had been slept so close to him and his arm tucked under her neck as a pillow.

She immediately pulled her arm away and got up freeing him of her hold. Arnav still didn't look at her. And tried to pick his arm, that was numb, it ached.

"Arnav, I am sorry," she muttered apologetically.

He sat up and pressed his arm to get the blood moving.

"I didn't know when I..."

"It's okay," he said.

"How are you? You seemed to be in pain last night," he heard himself asking.

She couldn't believe he was asking her. Damn it, she didn't deserve his concern her mind screamed.

The truth was she was still too exhausted. But pain, "No," she said. He vaguely remembered her dream. "No, pain," she muttered.

He nodded twice.
"Do you want to use the washroom first?" he asked.

"You may if you want," she answered. Unknown happiness filled her heart. But followed by pain. Strong pain. He was making her feel bad by his concerns. She so wanted to cry.

"It's okay, go ahead!" he told her. Without any word, she got up and slowly walked to the washroom.

As soon as she closed the door, she sat on the floor crying.


"I wanted to hurt Arnav...Few months ago, even few days ago, it seemed possible. When I told Arnav that I don't love him, the pain in his eyes was inevitable. It made me happy, I cursed him. But he didn't show it he was hurt. I thought he will go away from me, he will be shattered. There was no doubt he was...He was hurt beyond measures. However, why it doesn't give me happiness now that I wanted. His pain affected me, as it is my own. He is trying to hold himself together.

"I can see it. Now, I am not blind to see how much he cares for me. Hate to admit it. He does care for me. He is taking all my hurt, happily.

"Is he that strong? Or I am too weak?

"His behaviour has changed towards me, and it affects me.

"It hurt me to the core. They say what you give, you get.

"But wasn't Arnav wrong when he said he slept with me? Surely, he was.

"I wanted to punish him. Revenge was the only thing in my mind. Not any more, but.

"He told me, I could have asked for his life, the way he said it, or it was no doubt he was guilty and would have given it.

"I wanted it. I was this angry with him. Not anymore, but. Why? I don't know.

"When he asked me, why did I sleep with Adi? His question didn't reflect he was cheated, but more as he was, I don't know how to put in words. As he wanted to say, I took a very bad step. Very, very, bad step.

"How could it be? I was going to leave Arnav and I know Adi loves me, doesn't he?

"Arnav knew that baby isn't his, then why he is taking care of her? Why? Why isn't he throwing me out of his life?

"I am a confused child. For some reason, I feel as I am getting what I gave him.

"I fooled him, despite knowing how good he was, now looks like my life is fooling me.

"I am feeling so small. I can't even match my eyes with his. I feel ashamed.

"I no longer think of hurting him, his goodness outweighed my bad intentions.

"Am I really going to get what I give? I am not afraid, not now. Why? I don't have any answer to it.

"Can't deny the fact, Arnav is really nice.

"He loves me, but I don't deserve him.

                      * * *
As thoughts clogged Khushi's mind, she no longer able to stand on her feet. Walls of the wag too revolved around her. Brush fell from her hand on the black marbled floor. Her energy was drained out, exhaustion took over her completely and world blackened in front of her eyes; and she was on the floor, collapsed.

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