Friday 30 May 2014

On his demand PART 35

Please excuse the mistakes...

||CHAPTER 35||
Arnav couldn't able to hold back one more good news...As Khushi slowly opened her eyes she could see a handsome smile tucked on the side of her husband's lips. She couldn't help wondering what was the reason behind it.

It wasn't a usual smile, that he would carry, in general; or just in case to make her feel everything was good,

This smile was more of his genuine smiles, that would hardly hover on his beautiful face. This smile conveyed he actually was happy over some matter.

She also could not deny the fact that whatever the reason was behind his elegant smile will be truly exceptionally unexpected news for her.

He seemed to be little restless too as the happiness was uncontainable for him.

"Arnav ji, our baby is fine right!?" she asked again to double check.

He could only nod his head. "Khushi, what if I give you one more good news!?"

"What is it, Arnav ji!?" she asked.

Arnav held her hand in his. "Do you want to meet someone!?" he asked.

"Meet!? Whom it could be!?" she thought.

"You want to make a guess!?" he asked.

"I can't!" She told him.

"Khushi your chiku!" he told her.
Khushi laid there, her eyes wide in surprise.

"Chiku what, Arnav ji!? Is he here!?"

Arnav nodded his head.
"Arnav ji, you aren't joking!?" she asked him in denial.

He didn't say anything, but just got up. He looked at the door, as it opened.

He helped Khushi sat up, she only held his shoulder for a further support. As, bhua ji, showed up with Aryan, in his wheel chair, Khushi let out a long shriek of cry...
So loud and shrill that it felt like a wail.

Khushi sat on the bed, with her legs hanging. Arnav helped her, carefully, taking care of the wire that supplied her with the glucose.

He brought the glucose stand little closer, so that Khushi could step closer to Aryan.

Aryan was crying the moment he looked at his sister, that definitely made Khushi burst into tears.

"Khushi di!" he wailed.

"Chiku!" she called back as they both came closer, she hugged him.

She kissed him all over his face, as she couldn't believe it was the reality or the dream.

"Arnav ji, Aryan..." she said looking at Arnav. He nodded his head and himself knelt on his knees.

Nobody, except, Khushi knew the happiness in her heart. She was on cloud ninth.

Aryan hasn't recovered completely; for few months, he did need to take the help of wheel chair. He couldn't talk much. But he was in front of her it was more than enough.

Even though early, Arnav had already shifted Aryan from the U.S. to India. If Anjali hadn't created a problem for Khushi, he had been a big surprise for Khushi.

Khushi's tears weren't taking the name of stopping. She was relieved that doesn't matter how much pain they all had to go through, in the end they all got a happiness that balanced every negative and positive situation in their lives.

She was relieved that her promise made to her father was fulfilled. Her brother was fine. Her happiness was uncontainable.

How she would be able to calm her!?
Then Arnav had told her that she need not to. She only deserves to be happy.

And at last, Arnav thought he did make the wisest decision by bringing back Aryan.

In long time, he hadn't seen Khushi this happy before. That she didn't know what to do with her new found happiness.

Bhua ji took Aryan to her ward and Khushi hugged Arnav tightly. "Without you it wasn't possible Arnav ji!" she cried in her arms. "Without you it wasn't possible!"

Arnav ran his hand in her hair and smiled. "Arnav ji, now everything is good!" she said.

"Yes, Khushi everything is good!" he repeated.

"Except one thing, that was the end of Rahul!" he thought. But even the end of that evil news wasn't far, he knew Rahul's end was closer. 100 % sure.

Khushi's sobs has stopped, her breathing was calm and Arnav had made her laid on the bed. He gave her the kiss and his baby.

He wondered how his life would have been. If Khushi had never came in his life. How his world have been!? Never the same in a positive way, and he wasn't sure if he had given himself to anyone, the way he did to Khushi.

He had never hoped that he would have done anything such for anyone, but for her.

After a week, of rain, sunshine showered it's blessing on earth. Looked like the whether correlated with the emotions and the situation in their lives.

Arnav woke up as doctor Sharma opened the curtains of the ward.

"Good Morning, Mr. Raizada!" she said. "How was Khushi last night!?"

"I think she is really happy. After seeing Aryan she forgot everything!" he told her.

"I am sorry Mr. Raizada, that yesterday I just blamed you of being careless husband. I mean I shouldn't have," she said as she checked Khushi's pulse.

Arnav didn't say anything regarding her apology, but instead asked about Khushi. "Is Khushi alright!?"

"Yes, she seemed to be fine. I have to run quick check up. We have to do her sonography too. So that you could see your little baby, which definitely has grown. I can assure you, it will be the best moment for you!"

"And precious too," he thought.
"Yes, of course!" he said aloud.

"You run other tests I wait outside until, you are ready with the ultrasound!"

"Thank you Mr. Raizada!" Dr. Sharma said.

Arnav answered her with an intact smile on his face.

He yawned as he stood outside Khushi's ward, instead of waiting, he thought he should go and freshen up.
He told his guards to stay alert until he isn't back.

When he returned back, he saw Anjali standing outside the room.

She immediately looked at Arnav, and smiled. "Good Morning, chote!"

"How is Khushi and her baby!?"

"Both are fine!" he could only answer. As he looked through the window, Dr. Sharma was still examining Khushi. And by now Khushi was up too. He sat in the nearest chair as he sipped his tea. Ignoring, Anjali's presence.

He seemed to be unaffected, even when Anjali took the seat beside him.

Anjali clasped and unclasped her hands as she was trying to find words to talk to Arnav.

"How old is your baby!?" Anjali asked. Even though she knew.

"10 weeks," he told her. With no such emotion of affection either on his face or in his tone.

"What you are expecting, a girl or a boy!?" she asked.

"Either will be mine and Khushi's only!" he answered coldly.

Anjali brushed the tear that escaped her eye.

"Yes," she said. "Nani told me how much you love and care for Khushi and your baby. Finally, my chote will be a father!" she said.

"I could still remember you when you were five. I am sure the little unborn will look alike you," she said.

"He or she will be the luckiest child," Anjali said.

"I guess his parents will be the luckiest!" he said.

"I hope nothing happens to..."

"NOTHING WILL HAPPEN TO MY KHUSHI AND MY BABY!" he emphasized before getting angrily from the chair. He dumped the cup of his tea in the garbage can.

Anjali too got up. "I am sorry chote, I know I shouldn't have said whatever came into my mind!" she managed to say, coming to the point she wanted to say.

"But you still said!" he snapped. "You had gone through the worst then also you said it. Didn't I tell you that you will regrets your words!?"

"Yes, I am regretting my words!" she said. She wasn't crying, but the pain was there in her words.

"Chote, mistake happened from me!"

"It wasn't a mistake," he told her. "You cursed my baby, you cursed the woman that I love. For you I had been fighting with her. Di, you have no worst idea what she had gone through."

"Chote, I can't imagine I know. But please forgive me!"

Arnav let out a sad laugh. "In my life this word "forgiveness" has become a curse itself. Nobody thought of their words without hurting Khushi. Neither did I and for that mistake until, today, I am repenting. By living my life in guilt. I can't let anyone hurt my family."

"Am I not included in your family!?" she asked. The pain in her voice hurt Arnav. Anjali didn't wait for his reply.
"What if I am there with you!?" she said.

For the first time, Arnav looked at his sister. "Chote, we all had been victims. What if, I want to repent my words. Don't forgive me, but let me prove that I am sorry for my said words. Now, we all will fight for that evil who ruined everything for us. The master mind after all this!" she said.

But still he hadn't said anything and his silence meant, he needed not to answer anything. His sister has hurt his love that was more than enough to keep a distance from her.

It wasn't either that Arnav didn't consider her sister anymore, Anjali had lost everything she had. He will always be with her, no matter what. But no compromise with Khushi's happiness.

"Mr. Raizada," Dr. Sharma called. "Hi, Mr. Raizada can you please come with me!? I have to talk to you regarding the test."

"Yes," he said as he went inside with her.

Anjali didn't know how hard she had to try to get forgiveness, but she wont't stop trying, she had promised.

"Khushi you explain Mr. Raizada and decide I will be back soon."

Khushi nodded. "Khushi is everything alright!?"

"Yes, Arnav ji, Dr. Sharma just wanted to know which method you would prefer, for the ultrasound. Transvaginal or Transabdominal!? Both methods are safe with first option we can have a better view of our baby."

"Khush I have no problem, if you are fine and comfortable. It depends on you."

"If you are with me, I am ready for the first option," she told him.

"I am always with you, jaan!" he told her and kissed her on her lips.

"Arnav ji, finally we will see our baby! Rolling, yawning, moving," she told him with misty eyes.

"I can't wait for it," Arnav muttered softly. "Can you feel the baby inside you!?"

"No, not yet!"

Khushi did have put on some weight, but her belly hadn't showed much progress yet. But Khushi could tell the difference even it was little.

"Arnav ji, where is Anjali di!?" she asked.

Arnav's heart sank, he couldn't believe she was asking about the lady who abused her and put her and her baby's life in danger.

"Please forgive her!" she said.
Arnav took her hand in his that cupped his face, and said, "Khushi it's the time for living for your own!"

"Arnav ji, she loves you. You know she had lost her baby."

"I know Khushi, I am sorry for that. She has a place in my heart that nobody can take, and it is also true you keep same importance in my life."

"I will tear that person apart who will hurt you or Anjali di. But let me just deal with this situation. Please," he said.

"I hope you will forgive her," she wished.

"So, are we ready here!?" Doctor Sharma asked as she got into the room.

"Yes," Khushi replied.

"You prepare for the examination, and call me when you are ready!" Arnav said as he waited outside.

And right after 15 minutes, Dr. Sharma called Arnav back in.

"There is your baby!" Dr. Sharma said.

Khushi had tears in her eyes. Arnav couldn't believe he was seeing his little life. A size of a mice.

"5 cm to 6 cm height!" Dr. Sharma told them.

Their hearts lurched in uncomfortable happiness when Dr. Sharma pointed out the heart of their baby, which was more clear than they had seen before, and indeed it had developed.

They could see the baby rolling in Khushi's womb. Their was nothing as beautiful than this. Nothing, more close to this priceless sight.

Khushi burst into tears Arnav quickly embraced her in his arms. Her pregnancy hormones hadn't yet totally settled.

Seeing both of them, even Dr. Sharma had tears in her eyes.

"God bless this family," she wished.
"Dr. Sharma when we can take Aryan home!?"

"I would suggest him to stay for a month, he is doing fine, of course, but we need to make sure he go home perfectly fine! Where you have waited this long may be another month will make no difference!"

Arnav nodded in understanding gesture...

Khushi got up from the bed to change the hospital gown to her sari.
But poor girl, had just found out that she hadn't yet overcame her weakness.

Arnav who had gone to sign some formal papers had just opened the door, when he looked at Khushi dragging herself to the washroom.

He quickly went to her. "Khushi you should have waited for me. Didn't I say I will help you!?"

"I am fine Arnav ji," she answered weakly.

"Okay, come I escort you to the washroom!" he said as he took her hand in his and walked her to the washroom slowly. Where her clothes were already kept by him.

"Can I help you, wear you the saree!?" he said.

Khushi felt sweet pain in her stomach. It wasn't a naughty remark, but his intentions might be, Khushi thought.

Before she could say no, she was already handing him her saree. And shortly, after Arnav had his hand ready to open the strings of the gown from behind.

His breath hot on her neck, that made her stomach clench. " sweet!" she died to moan.

Arnav slowly removed the gown, ever so slowly, he could manage. Khushi's legs felt like a jelly.

To make her state even more gravy, Arnav had slide his hands under the gown as he slide it down the body.

Khushi, on time, had held the gown just enough to hide her hips and her legs.

Arnav took her blouse and before making her wear it, he moved his hand as he was massaging her shoulders, her arms and cupped her round full breasts in his big hands.

Khushi's back fell against his chest, letting her whole weight on him.

"Arnav ji, please!" she moaned.

Arnav was too lost to hear her pleas.

He kissed her neck so softly that Khushi was at the verge of fainting.

Arnav slide the golden blouse in her arms and for a while made her stand on her feet.

He pulled her blouse so that he could hook it. Khushi arched and shuddered. It reminded her of the time when at the party her blouse had malfunctioned. It was Arnav who had noticed it and helped her. In the same way Arnav had pulled her blouse, even though the circumstances were different, she had felt the similar passion, if not exactly the same.

"Done!" Arnav murmured in her ear bringing her back to the reality, which was beautiful in its own way. She turned around and dug her face in his neck.

It was long later when she realized she had long let go of the gown completely, exposing her long legs to her, leaving her in only inner wear.

Arnav took the petticoat and helped her wear it.

He then started wrapping the green sari around her.

"How do you know to wrap a sari!?" she couldn't help asking.

"Well," he said seductively, as he formed pleats. "I own fashion world!" he answered and tugged the pleats securely in the hem of her skirt before sitting down on his toes.

Khushi shuddered as his knuckles touched her belly and he kept his hand there for a long time. As they looked at each other.

As he leaned closer, he kissed her belly. He seemed to struggling to keep back his tears as he had his head dropped.

Khushi made him look up, in her eyes and cupped his face as she saw tears in his eyes.

"Khushi, what I have always able to gave you is pain. And in return, you only gave me happiness!" he said, his heart as well as voice heavy with emotions.

Khushi bent a little bit and kissed his forehead. Then she made him stand up on his feet and immediately embraced him in her arms.

Arnav hugged her back as he let out the tears that he was holding back for a long while.


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