Friday 30 May 2014

Betrayal part 11

Second part of the maha updates!


Khushi slowly opened her eyes and through the mirror she glanced at Arnav, when he was still looking at her. She slowly turned around, Arnav's eyes followed her, her eyes still lowered. Too shy to look at him.

Arnav stood completely awestruck, looking at the beautiful lady in front of his eyes.

"Thank-you," she said, and immediately decided to go from there as every second had become hard for her. She felt she would melt under his gaze.

"Welcome!" he said ever so softly.

She turned around, and picked up the vermillion box, she wished if Arnav would fill her maang.

She vanished the thought off her mind. Knowing that she was expecting a lot. By showing her a positivity towards him she was hurting him over and over again.

But there were things that she so wanted to talk about.
"Arnav," she called him without thinking about anything else.
"Hmm," he murmured, as he turned around.
"Arnav, I need to talk to you!" she said.

He got scared as he remembered his dream. "About what!?" he asked as his heartbeat thumped in his chest. Wishing it wasn't about anything that he wouldn't stop himself from blurting out the truth.
"Shall we sit!?" she asked.
She looked a questionable look on his face. "I won't take more than 15 minutes."

Arnav sat on the bed and Khushi grabbed a seat beside him.
"Arnav," she started off. Her hands folded in her lap.

Arnav although wasn't looking at her, but could tell she was tensed. And was holding back her tears. He somehow knew what was coming. But it had become important to atleast talk.

"I am sorry!" she said. Arnav's jaws clenched in pain, his eyes scrunched as he couldn't take the pain in her voice.

"I am sorry that I hurt you," she paused, as she was choosing her words carefully.

"Hurt you any possible way. I had been cruel to you."

There was again a long pause. Her voice was choked, however, she didn't dare to shed a single tear. "I am guilty, Arnav. I truly I am.

"You loved me and I only hurt you.

"But the truth is I can't hurt you anymore, Arnav. I am dying of this guilt. Which only you can end.

"Please, forgive me. I am asking you to forgive me even though I don't deserve it, but I also know that you have a big heart. Despite the pain I gave you, you still care for me.

"I forgive you, Khushi," words left from his mouth. Khushi looked at him as it was a slap on her face. "But I am afraid you will not be able to forgive yourself."

She was left utterly confused. So confused that his single sentence had left her tangled.

"Khushi, I still love you," it hurt her. "As much I did when I realized how stupid I was to blame you of sleeping with me. I truly was sorry and still I am. But don't think I am doing all this out of guilt. Nah, guilt was there a years ago and still is. But I don't care for you because I am guilty, it's because I love you. And you don't love in return is a different thing. I think I deserved it. Just because I envy Aditya I pulled you in. But you didn't deserve what you pulled yourself in."

Another statement that she couldn't understand.

"I told you for my mistake you can ask me for my..."

In a quick second she had turned to face him and kept a finger on his lips, to make him quite.

She was shaking her head, "I don't hate you, Arnav. I don't."

"Shall we forgive each other, please!?" she literally begged.

He didn't know what to say.

A long pause between them.

"Shall we start a new beginning?" she asked breaking the silence that felt like an eternity.

"We are getting late!" he said and already had made his way out of the room. She was left in tears.

At the Gupta mansion.

"Welcome, Arnav son!" Mr. Gupta said.

"Good evening, Mr. Gupta!" Arnav wished. "How are you?"

"I am really well, Son! We all were just waiting for you and Khushi!" Mr. Gupta took a few step towards Khushi and gave her the hug. "How is my sweet little daughter?"

"I am really good, dad! How was your business trip!?"

"It has been fantastic!" he said.

"Hi, mom. How are you!?" Khushi asked when Mrs. Gupta came as she saw both Arnav and Khushi.

Mrs. Gupta gave Khushi a warm hug that Khushi indeed needed.

"How are you daughter, and how is your little unborn?"

"Good!" she answered weakly. Mr. Gupta and Mrs. Gupta exchanged looks as they were surprised at Khushi's outlook, they had had never expected their modern crazy angel to dress in a traditional attire except at the day of her marriage.

"Did I tell you, you look out of the world beautiful!?"

Khushi couldn't help but give her mom a smile.

"Hi, Arnav son. How are you!? I just want to say, you both look beautiful today as ever. May you live long and your relationship keep growing with time."

Khushi shot a look at Arnav, but he didn't. She looked back at her mom. Khushi's mom has always been sweet and a lady with a beautiful heart. Khushi wished she had learnt to be just like her mom.

"Where is Payal!?" she asked.

"She is with her friends, daughter. You guys come in, I call her," Mrs. Gupta welcomed both of them inside.

Arnav and Khushi had both settled at their table; Lavanya, and Payal joined both of them shortly after. In just a short time they both had become friends as they knew each for forever.

"Hi, Payal. It's a beautiful party," Arnav praised.

"Are you really enjoying it!?" Payal asked.

"I am loving it, indeed," he told her.

"Thank-you so much jiju!"

As Khushi knew it was the right time to leave and her presence wasn't needed, not atleast at this point. She excused herself.

"Where are you going, Khushi!? Do you need something, I go and get it!"

"No, Arnav. I need to go and talk to mom. You guys enjoy, till then," she said.

"Are you sure, you are feeling well!?" he asked skeptical of her behaviour. He wished he hadn't hurt her.

"Yes, I am seriously fine. I just need to talk to mom."

"Alright, go ahead!" he said. "And here is your phone."

"Come soon," Payal said at Khushi's back.

"Alright, jiju, how is your health!?" Payal engaged Arnav in her talks as Khushi had said.

Khushi went to her room, closed the door; didn't lock it though. She walked to her cupboard and took the wedding album of her and Arnav's.

She flipped open the album, the first picture was of Arnav and her, that his cousin brother Akaash, and Anjali had taken when Arnav had come to see her, a day before their wedding. She still remembered his evil smile, his eyebrows wiggling as he had climbed up to her room through the pipe. She herself laughed.

Those days were beautiful, she thought. But she was unfortunate to not to just appreciate those moments. 

The other pictures were the most beautiful moments captured just as the first one. Was their anything she could do to bring those moments back? No, she can't. For something that she will have to regret all her life.

She let out a loud cry, the cry that she held so badly in front of Arnav. The cry of pure pain and only full of regrets.

She wiped her tears and kept the album back in the cupboard.

She walked to the window of her room to see the backyard, where the party was held. She saw Arnav and Lavanya dancing. And Payal was dancing with her cousin brother.

The view of Arnav was clearly seen.
His hands were on Lavanya's waist. And suddenly, she felt a strong emotion that she couldn't describe in words. All the thoughts of leaving Arnav alone were gone, but sudden hit of the reality made her aware that she had to leave Arnav alone.

However, she was distracted when her phone rang. She didn't even look at it and slide the answer button and brought it against her ear.

"Hello, Mr. Raizada, we have tracked down the person who you believe had raped your sister, Ananaya!" Khushi stood perplexed. As words she heard made no sense. "We have arrested him, and you could come and see him."

The words buzzed in her mind. "Raped, your sister, the person is tracked down, raped your sister, Ananaya!""

Until, now she didn't realize she was carrying Arnav's phone. And even the police officer hadn't even given any thought before disclosing the news, if the person was Arnav.

She was shocked as she had just come to know what really had happened to Ananaya. This was the reason why Arnav was so upset!?

"No, it couldn't happen," she was shaking her head in denial. For all this time Arnav was hiding this news from her.

She knew something was wrong with Ananaya, but she was raped she couldn't believe.

In fact, she knew Arnav once was going to tell her something about Ananaya, but she just wished not to hear it. Neither she thought there would be something this serious. She was ashamed she didn't even know Arnav's sister had gone through such a worst scenario.

Instead of making things good, they were tangled even more then it was before. By telling him she wasn't carrying his baby, she had just stabbed his soul even more.

She kept a hand on her mouth in shock and walked back, until she fell on the bed, numb. A truth had come in front of her in jolt.

"Oh god, Khushi, what the heck you have done!?"

Her mind was totally clogged and the only words that were coming in her mind was, what the police officer had told her.

She so wanted to kill herself right at the moment.

She just had found out that her pain was nothing in front of Arnav's. For his just one lie she had killed his soul.

Arnav looked around, as he was looking for Khushi. She had said she needed to talk to her mom, but she hadn't yet come.

"Lavanya, Khushi hasn't come yet."

"That's what I was thinking," Lavanya said. "I think you should go and see her."

They both came out of the dance floor.

"La, you have a seat, I go and see Khushi, she must be in her room, if she hasn't come back yet," Arnav said as he still looked around if he would catch a glimpse of her.

"Please go and tell me if she needs help."

"Hopefully, she is fine," he thought. He took out the phone and found out it was Khushi's. "Shit!" he growled.

He so wished there wasn't any call from the police station. "Please, please, please," he prayed. How stupid he was to not check before giving his phone knowing that both of their phone was the same. But in hastiness he couldn't tell the difference.

He asked Mrs. Gupta, where Khushi was. She told him, "I didn't even see her, son!"

He literally ran inside the Gupta Mansion and straight to Khushi's room.

His heart was thudding violently, fear was sinking his heart, and it choked his throat. His legs were trembling.

He ran as fast as he could. He opened the door with a force and he saw Khushi. Who sat on the bed, her back towards him.

He ran to her. "Khushi!?"
Her face was covered in tears.

"Khushi, what happen!?"

She shot a glance at Arnav, but still didn't say a word. "Khushi, damn it, tell me what happen?"

"I am sorry, if I hurt you from our previous conversation. I actually didn't mean to."

"Arnav, what had happened to Ananaya di!?"

He felt his heart almost jump out of his chest.

"Nothing, Khushi..." he said without even thought.

"I know everything, Arnav, don't lie."

"Arnav, why didn't you tell me when I was asking you, what had happened to Ananya d!? Where is she now? How is she doing!?" She had her hands flat on his chest.

"Shall we go home!?" he said.

At the Raizada Mansion.

Arnav sat on the bed, broken. Khushi sat beside him. "Arnav," she said softly. "Where is Ananya di!? Why aren't she living with us!?"

"She is dead!" he blurted out. Khushi let go off her arm, as she was given another shocking news. It was a punch in her stomach.

"She killed herself 6 years ago!"

Land slipped under Khushi's feet. Another hard blow in her face. She felt her world had taken 360 degree turn.

"She was raped, and she killed herself!" he had said with no emotion. A living corpse, he had become.

How long she knew Arnav!? 3-4 years, she knew nothing about him. She didn't even know he had a sister who had been dead since 6 years, they said was married off and live abroad, but talked about her never. It was a lie, she thought. 

"Arnav tell me, it's not the truth. Tell me it's a joke," she asked, even knowing she was living in a reality and even in a dream, Arnav can't talk anything such about his own sister.

She was in a utter denial. She felt her every cell of her brain numb.

"Who did it, Arnav!? Do you know who did it!?" she asked.

Arnav knew at this point of time there was no reason to hide, she had to know and today was the time. And he couldn't take the burden of the truth. He was totally done with it.

"Aditiya!" he told her. "The person you claim you love!"

"Huh!?" Khushi pocked her head, a gesture to mock what he just had said. She was shaking her head and all of sudden what he had said had become a mere lie.

"I believe whatever you said, Arnav, but not this that Adi was the one who raped your sister," she said confidently.

"It's the truth, Khushi!"

Doesn't know what came into her mind, she forced him to get up from the bed and slapped him. Arnav was shocked. "Didn't I know, Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada, you can blame a person whom you already envy. You were right you love me so much, and I knew you can do anything to get me! Even blame any poor soul for it."

Arnav was going to speak in defence, but she stopped him.

"I am ready to accept everything you say, Arnav, but Adi raped your sister, is just I can't believe. Do you even know what are you saying!?" She was laughing as she was told the funniest joke ever. And Arnav felt as he was a fool.

"I give you the guarantee, even I can write it down on a piece of paper, sign it, but Adi can't do what you have said!

"Do you think I can just blame anyone!?" he asked furiously.

"What you have said, Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada, I can imagine you can go to any extent."

"I thought you are genuinely sorry, but you crossed all the limits, Mr. Raizada, disgusting. You are disgusting."

"You really want to know right he is innocent, call him." She took his phone from the bed and asked him to call the police officer. "Ask him to bring Adi here, I am sure he is the one whom you have asked to arrest."

Arnav was once really perplexed to know how much Khushi believed Aditiya. Her confidence once made him think may be she was right.

And he wished, she is right. And if by chance that was the truth, he was taking his last few breaths.

I was not a warrior, but for you I became one. I was not a lover, but you made me one. I was not a coward, but your love made me one. Coward, because of the fear of loosing you. I wasn't sure our relationship was going to end this soon, and with that the dreams that I dreamt of.

With you!


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