Friday 30 May 2014

On his demand part 34

"No," Arnav screamed in his mind.

"Please god keep my Khushi and my baby safe!" was the only pray that danced on his lips.
There never had been a need to pray to God. Never! Arnav had been so strong, that he had faith that every worst situation would turn into normal, but today for his life he was praying.

Love had always been the biggest strength, that one could feel secure under the huge protective shell of it, but it's also the weakest of weakness. And this is why, Arnav had always kept himself away from. He loved his parents, life snatched them away from him.

With Khushi there was an instant connection of his soul with hers. A few months ago, it was hard to believe person like Arnav could love, who was too blunt to tolerate. But he had loved. He knew that Khushi would be first and last person he will think of spending his life with.

He got her, but in a worst way.
For whom, he had once promised to himself, that he would give his life for, turned out to be the one whose life he promised he would ruin.

He had jumped into conclusion, he had kept Khushi responsible for Anjali's condition. When she was not at all wrong.

People came in her life played with her as they owned her. They used her as a puppet and hurt her as she had no emotions. And it was a shame for him that he was the one who had done that.

Today, Anjali had called her by names that she didn't deserve at all and even he himself didn't ever thought he would use for her. Even then when he misunderstood her.

However, Anjali need a reality check. She had to know that she didn't do good. She should know that in their dirty game they unnecessarily, dragged her.

He got up furiously as he marched to make his way out of the hospital.

"Chote, what happen!?" Mama ji said at his back.

"Bhai!" Akaash said as he rushed after him.

"Akaash you stay here with Khushi!" he said as Akaash tried to match his pace.

"But bhai where are you going!?" he said breathlessly.

"To make things clear!" he muttered Akaash stopped and disappeared in a distance.

"Akaash what happen!? Payal said as she too came rushing. "Where did Arnav go!?"

"I don't know Payal. I am afraid that today something will happen that we never expected!" he presumed.

Payal stood worried by his side. But even she had some talking to do to her sister who had crossed all the limits.


"Anjali bitiya, I am not saying you are wrong, but if Arnav bitwa is saying that Khushi bitiya isn't wrong than we should believe him. He loves you more than anything, you are his sister!" Nani sat beside as she tried to comfort her.

"No!" she shouted. "He doesn't care for me. He loves that girl who has ruined my life. He has proved me today that to him I don't matter at all!"

"I am afraid you are wrong!" Arnav's voice shrilled in the air. But it wasn't clear to which phrase of Anjali did Arnav answered to.

Anjali and Nani both looked at him. "What happen Arnav!? Why are you here!? Doesn't your so called wife needs you!? Or was it just her drama!?"

"I can't believe that it is you who could think of her as it, Anjali di!" he said bluntly.

"I don't really think that I need to say anything to justify my Khushi! But you have to know that you have hurt that woman who had been a game for me and you!" Arnav added.

Anjali crossed her arms; giving an impression as she didn't care or interested in listening about Khushi.

"Please, chote. What I can't believe is that how much your mind has been corrupted by that bitch!"

"Enough!" he shouted, so loudly that his voice echoed as a furious thunder. And it wasn't hard to guess Anjali indeed needed a reality check.

"ENOUGH OF YOUR ABUSE!" he said each and every word clear enough so that it could get to her ear drums. "If you don't want to know if she was wrong or right, it's perfectly fine with me. But JUST STOP SAYING WHATEVER IS COMING IN YOUR MIND!"

"Arnav bitiya, please don't say anything to her at the moment she isn't fine!" Nani pleaded. "We can settle down and talk!"

"No, Nani!" Arnav said. "Not any more!"

Meanwhile, Dhruv, NK, mami and mama ji paid their visit at the door. One by one they entered the house, sending the terrible tension in the air.

"For him, for her, for this, for that...No!" he growled. "Stop treating her as she is a bell in the temple, that anybody could come and ring. Stop treating her as a doormat," his tone grieve filled.

"Just stop it...And you want to know why I married Khushi!?"

Nani didn't say anything, or gestured but it was understood that she wanted to know what was going on. She was wondered the reason behind the sudden decision of him marrying Khushi.

"Because of her. Just like her, three months ago I had thought Khushi and that bas***d Rahul are cheating Anjali di. I was convinced that Khushi was a part of it. Her own bhua ji made me believe that Khushi knew Rahul was married. She kept me as well as her in dark."

"Oh really you just said her bhua ji knew the whole truth of his than why did she agree to marrying her niece with him!" Anjali questioned.

"Yes, "Yes, she did it for money. She needed money for her brother's treatment. She wasn't at mistake either. She didn't know Rahul's reality, she didn't he only wanted Khushi. He had convinced Khushi's bhua ji that Anjali was wrong!"

"Do you get that he said you were wrong!" Arnav said to Anjali. "He proved her that you ditched him. He also made a story that you killed your own child."

"What!?" Nani said.

"Yes, Nani! You want to know how Khushi's dad died! It was Rahul who killed him because he had come to know that he had been cheating on his daughter as well as Anjali di."

"Di, you say I love her no I am her biggest enemy. I married to make her life hell, I wanted to take revenge for what she did to you!"

Anjali's arm loosely uncrossed and let them fall on her side as she looked at him in shock.

"Di in our battles people like Khushi's brother need not to be included. But he was. Today, he had been fighting for his every breath," he said as he was devastated from inside.

Family stood frozen as they fixed their gazes at Arnav, their minds not ready to accept how cheap that Rahul could stoop. They all were aware that Rahul cheated Anjali, but they didn't know Khushi was in it, they didn't know anything what Arnav told them just few seconds ago. So, far they only believed what Arnav had been telling him that, "he loved her and got married!" But the truth was completely opposite.

"I am repeating that Khushi hasn't done anything. I punished her for the deed that she never did...I forced her into the marriage...I abused her..." he said as he finally fell down on his knees.

Anjali stood frozen in front of him. Nani was in no state of peace.

"I abused her!" he repeated.

And Anjali believed so far, that his own chote deceived her. But again here the truth was otherwise.

She fell on the sofa.

"For last more than two months, we were fooled. So much happened with Khushi bitiya and we didn't know. That girl never once complained," Nani was saying more to herself than to Arnav or Anjali.

"I said what I shouldn't have!" Anjali finally said. She wasn't sorry, but regretting as Arnav had supposed.

"You both brother and sister took worst decisions," Nani said. Weighing down what Arnav had told today.

"I didn't know my kids thought they could take decision for others!" she said.

"You both were so blind that you didn't ever thought once about your actions!" Nani added slowly.

"Anjali bitiya I didn't teach you the words that you used for her," Nani said getting little angry now saying without feeling any regret she could be wrong.

"And you chote, did your ego ended at abusing her!?" she then turned to Arnav.

"I am surprised how Khushi bitiya is still living with you!" Nani said. "I am shocked that despite of your abuse and forcing she is still living with you. For whatever reason it had been chote, you don't deserve her!" Nani concluded.

Arnav looked at her in regret filled eyes.

"And Anjali bitiya don't forget that you were cheated, and so did Khushi bitiya...I am not sure if you are really sorry after knowing the truth!"

"I am sorry," Anjali muttered between her sobs.

"Would your words said to her will be taken back!?" she asked. "You do mistakes without listening to others and say sorry that's it!?"

"You both are my kids, but you didn't do good."

"In the end you guys only thought of yourself. Your pain, your rights, your beliefs."

The truth was even the other family were cursing the person who had ruined Anjali's life, not only anyone else.
"Payal we have to call, Arnav bhai. Khushi needs him," Akaash said.

"Yes," Payal agreed and Akaash picked up the phone.
Arnav wiped his tears as he took out his ringing phone from his pocket.

Screen flashed Akaash's number. "Hello, bhai can you please come to hospital immediately."

"Akaash what happen!? Is Khushi fine!?" he asked as his heart thumped loudly.

"Bhai, doctor Sharma said she isn't doing good. Please come soon!"

Arnav immediately rose on his feet and rushed to the hospital, but didn't disconnect the phone itself, as he collected the information from Akaash about Khushi's health.

"Nani, I am so sorry. I should have thought before cursing Khushi."

"No, Anjali bitiya. Your curse can't get to Khushi bitiya and her baby. She had done nothing that god will listen to your prays," she said in bluntness. "She had gone through enough. Chote had gone through a lot as he fought for you. But put his love at stake! But not anymore!"

Not by mere chance, Anjali felt Nani said anything wrong. She agreed to each and every word she spoke.

"I want to apologize," she muttered, wishing by any mere chance she could take the words she said back. "I want to apologize for the words I said as I made hasty generalizations. I hope that Khushi and her baby is fine," she said in utter guilt, sadness.

"No, please...Arnav ji!" Khushi screamed. "Please stop them they are taking our baby!" she tried to make her point as she restlessly fidgeted in the hospital bed going through another hallucination.

The fear had set in her mind that someone will take her baby from her and her husband too.

As she could see few unfamiliar daunting faces, beating up Arnav, who tried to rescue their baby.

She tried kicking people who tried to held her, but practically she was trying to fight in her dream.

Her actions immediately created havoc in Arnav's mind that he came rushing into the ward, rest of the family tried to stay back. Letting Arnav handle her on it's own and lessening the possibility that they might startle her.

"Khushi!" Arnav fell on the bed beside her. "Khushi!" he murmured softly, capturing all his worries, fears, tears.

"Arnav ji..." she was calling out again and again but his voice her ear at no point. Arnav felt extremely helpless, seeing her in this condition. Where she hung in between the dream, that she couldn't just open her eyes and acquaint herself of the reality that no one would harm in his vicinity.

In her dream, she fought back with the men that strongly held her. She managed to take person's hand and took into her mouth as she bite it with all her force, and in reality she had Arnav's side palm as she managed to held correlating the real and dream.

Arnav didn't dare to wince or react in a way that would startled her more than already was. He clenched his teeth tightly trying to absorb the pain Khushi's biting caused.

"Khushi nothing has happened to you. Open to your eyes!" he begged his voice composed, but it didn't seem to be helpful. He pined her arms to her either side and slammed his lips with hers. If by any chance, she could recognize his familiar touch of affection.

Khushi was obviously resisted from saying as his mouth left no room for her to her mouth, her arms strongly held on her sides, unmovable.

He was afraid he would only increase her fears, but he couldn't think of anything to force her to open her eyes.

As Arnav kissed grew softer rather than getting brutal, Khushi seemed to revitalize her senses. She could feel the familiar touch of Arnav. That she was too used to be recalled, even if, her central nervous system completely shut.

"Arnav ji!" he felt her lips forming against his in no fear, but with serenity.

Arnav felt the seeping gush of relief to his taut nerves. He merely moved an inch up, muttering soothing phrases, "Yes, Khushi I am here with you!" he whispered but her eyes remained closed.

His warm breath making close proximity with her skin, giving her the sense of security of him being close to her.

Arnav further didn't move an inch, remained stilled as Khushi seemed to be relaxed, but once again he could feel tense in Khushi's body, her fears kicking back in her vulnerable mind. She couldn't have feared this much in her life than for Arnav and her baby itself.

She couldn't have imagine a day without both of them in her life, since, they both had appeared in her life.

Words that Anjali had said-"Are you happy now, by creating problems between brother and sister...To me you were a wh**e and will always."

She clenched his t-shirt tightly in her hands as she again started fighting back, she was forcing herself to open her eyes, but it felt as they were glued and then all of sudden her eyes opened wide as she tried to take a sharp breath of air, hard enough to fill her own lungs and the baby's need of oxygen inside her.

It tickled Arnav's fear to death. He felt as someone has punched his stomach. Khushi had suffered yet from other panic attack. Dr. Sharma was called in immediately and she too had concluded that it certainly was a panic attack.

"Mr. Raizada, I strongly recommend you to either take her away somewhere she could have a peaceful air to breath or remove the fear that had taken backseat in her mind."

Only one thing had came into his mind and he said, "I think I know what to do!"

Arnav had settled beside Khushi who seemed to relax in her sleep. He had strictly ordered no one enter her ward without his permission as he himself didn't bother to stay away from her even for a second.

He had let her sleep making no sound that would cause her distress. And to Arnav's relief Khushi had slept for good 8 hours.

As in the middle of night she woke up, the room was dimly lit, it wasn't completely dark, that could panic her or too bright that would disturb her, plus Arnav himself was with her.

She put her hand on top of Arnav's that rested on her tummy and pressed it. As she slowly, started recalling, whatever happened during the past few hours.

"Arnav ji," she said. Fear of her baby, if he or she was fine made, her heart thud loudly. She remembered Anjali's curse just before her head had collapsed.

"Yes, Khushi!" Arnav said, quickly getting up as he previously laid his head lying on his bicep close to her.

"How is our baby!? Please tell me how is our baby!?" she asked. This time her voice was shaky.

"Khushi you and our baby are fine!"

Arnav saw her head fell back on the pillow as worry on her face seemed to vanished coupling with the relief. She squeezed his hand.

Arnav couldn't have held one more good news...As Khushi slowly opened her eyes she could see a handsome smile on his face. She couldn't help wondering what was the reason behind it. And not denying the fact it was truly unexpected. 


On his demand PART 35

Please excuse the mistakes...

||CHAPTER 35||
Arnav couldn't able to hold back one more good news...As Khushi slowly opened her eyes she could see a handsome smile tucked on the side of her husband's lips. She couldn't help wondering what was the reason behind it.

It wasn't a usual smile, that he would carry, in general; or just in case to make her feel everything was good,

This smile was more of his genuine smiles, that would hardly hover on his beautiful face. This smile conveyed he actually was happy over some matter.

She also could not deny the fact that whatever the reason was behind his elegant smile will be truly exceptionally unexpected news for her.

He seemed to be little restless too as the happiness was uncontainable for him.

"Arnav ji, our baby is fine right!?" she asked again to double check.

He could only nod his head. "Khushi, what if I give you one more good news!?"

"What is it, Arnav ji!?" she asked.

Arnav held her hand in his. "Do you want to meet someone!?" he asked.

"Meet!? Whom it could be!?" she thought.

"You want to make a guess!?" he asked.

"I can't!" She told him.

"Khushi your chiku!" he told her.
Khushi laid there, her eyes wide in surprise.

"Chiku what, Arnav ji!? Is he here!?"

Arnav nodded his head.
"Arnav ji, you aren't joking!?" she asked him in denial.

He didn't say anything, but just got up. He looked at the door, as it opened.

He helped Khushi sat up, she only held his shoulder for a further support. As, bhua ji, showed up with Aryan, in his wheel chair, Khushi let out a long shriek of cry...
So loud and shrill that it felt like a wail.

Khushi sat on the bed, with her legs hanging. Arnav helped her, carefully, taking care of the wire that supplied her with the glucose.

He brought the glucose stand little closer, so that Khushi could step closer to Aryan.

Aryan was crying the moment he looked at his sister, that definitely made Khushi burst into tears.

"Khushi di!" he wailed.

"Chiku!" she called back as they both came closer, she hugged him.

She kissed him all over his face, as she couldn't believe it was the reality or the dream.

"Arnav ji, Aryan..." she said looking at Arnav. He nodded his head and himself knelt on his knees.

Nobody, except, Khushi knew the happiness in her heart. She was on cloud ninth.

Aryan hasn't recovered completely; for few months, he did need to take the help of wheel chair. He couldn't talk much. But he was in front of her it was more than enough.

Even though early, Arnav had already shifted Aryan from the U.S. to India. If Anjali hadn't created a problem for Khushi, he had been a big surprise for Khushi.

Khushi's tears weren't taking the name of stopping. She was relieved that doesn't matter how much pain they all had to go through, in the end they all got a happiness that balanced every negative and positive situation in their lives.

She was relieved that her promise made to her father was fulfilled. Her brother was fine. Her happiness was uncontainable.

How she would be able to calm her!?
Then Arnav had told her that she need not to. She only deserves to be happy.

And at last, Arnav thought he did make the wisest decision by bringing back Aryan.

In long time, he hadn't seen Khushi this happy before. That she didn't know what to do with her new found happiness.

Bhua ji took Aryan to her ward and Khushi hugged Arnav tightly. "Without you it wasn't possible Arnav ji!" she cried in her arms. "Without you it wasn't possible!"

Arnav ran his hand in her hair and smiled. "Arnav ji, now everything is good!" she said.

"Yes, Khushi everything is good!" he repeated.

"Except one thing, that was the end of Rahul!" he thought. But even the end of that evil news wasn't far, he knew Rahul's end was closer. 100 % sure.

Khushi's sobs has stopped, her breathing was calm and Arnav had made her laid on the bed. He gave her the kiss and his baby.

He wondered how his life would have been. If Khushi had never came in his life. How his world have been!? Never the same in a positive way, and he wasn't sure if he had given himself to anyone, the way he did to Khushi.

He had never hoped that he would have done anything such for anyone, but for her.

After a week, of rain, sunshine showered it's blessing on earth. Looked like the whether correlated with the emotions and the situation in their lives.

Arnav woke up as doctor Sharma opened the curtains of the ward.

"Good Morning, Mr. Raizada!" she said. "How was Khushi last night!?"

"I think she is really happy. After seeing Aryan she forgot everything!" he told her.

"I am sorry Mr. Raizada, that yesterday I just blamed you of being careless husband. I mean I shouldn't have," she said as she checked Khushi's pulse.

Arnav didn't say anything regarding her apology, but instead asked about Khushi. "Is Khushi alright!?"

"Yes, she seemed to be fine. I have to run quick check up. We have to do her sonography too. So that you could see your little baby, which definitely has grown. I can assure you, it will be the best moment for you!"

"And precious too," he thought.
"Yes, of course!" he said aloud.

"You run other tests I wait outside until, you are ready with the ultrasound!"

"Thank you Mr. Raizada!" Dr. Sharma said.

Arnav answered her with an intact smile on his face.

He yawned as he stood outside Khushi's ward, instead of waiting, he thought he should go and freshen up.
He told his guards to stay alert until he isn't back.

When he returned back, he saw Anjali standing outside the room.

She immediately looked at Arnav, and smiled. "Good Morning, chote!"

"How is Khushi and her baby!?"

"Both are fine!" he could only answer. As he looked through the window, Dr. Sharma was still examining Khushi. And by now Khushi was up too. He sat in the nearest chair as he sipped his tea. Ignoring, Anjali's presence.

He seemed to be unaffected, even when Anjali took the seat beside him.

Anjali clasped and unclasped her hands as she was trying to find words to talk to Arnav.

"How old is your baby!?" Anjali asked. Even though she knew.

"10 weeks," he told her. With no such emotion of affection either on his face or in his tone.

"What you are expecting, a girl or a boy!?" she asked.

"Either will be mine and Khushi's only!" he answered coldly.

Anjali brushed the tear that escaped her eye.

"Yes," she said. "Nani told me how much you love and care for Khushi and your baby. Finally, my chote will be a father!" she said.

"I could still remember you when you were five. I am sure the little unborn will look alike you," she said.

"He or she will be the luckiest child," Anjali said.

"I guess his parents will be the luckiest!" he said.

"I hope nothing happens to..."

"NOTHING WILL HAPPEN TO MY KHUSHI AND MY BABY!" he emphasized before getting angrily from the chair. He dumped the cup of his tea in the garbage can.

Anjali too got up. "I am sorry chote, I know I shouldn't have said whatever came into my mind!" she managed to say, coming to the point she wanted to say.

"But you still said!" he snapped. "You had gone through the worst then also you said it. Didn't I tell you that you will regrets your words!?"

"Yes, I am regretting my words!" she said. She wasn't crying, but the pain was there in her words.

"Chote, mistake happened from me!"

"It wasn't a mistake," he told her. "You cursed my baby, you cursed the woman that I love. For you I had been fighting with her. Di, you have no worst idea what she had gone through."

"Chote, I can't imagine I know. But please forgive me!"

Arnav let out a sad laugh. "In my life this word "forgiveness" has become a curse itself. Nobody thought of their words without hurting Khushi. Neither did I and for that mistake until, today, I am repenting. By living my life in guilt. I can't let anyone hurt my family."

"Am I not included in your family!?" she asked. The pain in her voice hurt Arnav. Anjali didn't wait for his reply.
"What if I am there with you!?" she said.

For the first time, Arnav looked at his sister. "Chote, we all had been victims. What if, I want to repent my words. Don't forgive me, but let me prove that I am sorry for my said words. Now, we all will fight for that evil who ruined everything for us. The master mind after all this!" she said.

But still he hadn't said anything and his silence meant, he needed not to answer anything. His sister has hurt his love that was more than enough to keep a distance from her.

It wasn't either that Arnav didn't consider her sister anymore, Anjali had lost everything she had. He will always be with her, no matter what. But no compromise with Khushi's happiness.

"Mr. Raizada," Dr. Sharma called. "Hi, Mr. Raizada can you please come with me!? I have to talk to you regarding the test."

"Yes," he said as he went inside with her.

Anjali didn't know how hard she had to try to get forgiveness, but she wont't stop trying, she had promised.

"Khushi you explain Mr. Raizada and decide I will be back soon."

Khushi nodded. "Khushi is everything alright!?"

"Yes, Arnav ji, Dr. Sharma just wanted to know which method you would prefer, for the ultrasound. Transvaginal or Transabdominal!? Both methods are safe with first option we can have a better view of our baby."

"Khush I have no problem, if you are fine and comfortable. It depends on you."

"If you are with me, I am ready for the first option," she told him.

"I am always with you, jaan!" he told her and kissed her on her lips.

"Arnav ji, finally we will see our baby! Rolling, yawning, moving," she told him with misty eyes.

"I can't wait for it," Arnav muttered softly. "Can you feel the baby inside you!?"

"No, not yet!"

Khushi did have put on some weight, but her belly hadn't showed much progress yet. But Khushi could tell the difference even it was little.

"Arnav ji, where is Anjali di!?" she asked.

Arnav's heart sank, he couldn't believe she was asking about the lady who abused her and put her and her baby's life in danger.

"Please forgive her!" she said.
Arnav took her hand in his that cupped his face, and said, "Khushi it's the time for living for your own!"

"Arnav ji, she loves you. You know she had lost her baby."

"I know Khushi, I am sorry for that. She has a place in my heart that nobody can take, and it is also true you keep same importance in my life."

"I will tear that person apart who will hurt you or Anjali di. But let me just deal with this situation. Please," he said.

"I hope you will forgive her," she wished.

"So, are we ready here!?" Doctor Sharma asked as she got into the room.

"Yes," Khushi replied.

"You prepare for the examination, and call me when you are ready!" Arnav said as he waited outside.

And right after 15 minutes, Dr. Sharma called Arnav back in.

"There is your baby!" Dr. Sharma said.

Khushi had tears in her eyes. Arnav couldn't believe he was seeing his little life. A size of a mice.

"5 cm to 6 cm height!" Dr. Sharma told them.

Their hearts lurched in uncomfortable happiness when Dr. Sharma pointed out the heart of their baby, which was more clear than they had seen before, and indeed it had developed.

They could see the baby rolling in Khushi's womb. Their was nothing as beautiful than this. Nothing, more close to this priceless sight.

Khushi burst into tears Arnav quickly embraced her in his arms. Her pregnancy hormones hadn't yet totally settled.

Seeing both of them, even Dr. Sharma had tears in her eyes.

"God bless this family," she wished.
"Dr. Sharma when we can take Aryan home!?"

"I would suggest him to stay for a month, he is doing fine, of course, but we need to make sure he go home perfectly fine! Where you have waited this long may be another month will make no difference!"

Arnav nodded in understanding gesture...

Khushi got up from the bed to change the hospital gown to her sari.
But poor girl, had just found out that she hadn't yet overcame her weakness.

Arnav who had gone to sign some formal papers had just opened the door, when he looked at Khushi dragging herself to the washroom.

He quickly went to her. "Khushi you should have waited for me. Didn't I say I will help you!?"

"I am fine Arnav ji," she answered weakly.

"Okay, come I escort you to the washroom!" he said as he took her hand in his and walked her to the washroom slowly. Where her clothes were already kept by him.

"Can I help you, wear you the saree!?" he said.

Khushi felt sweet pain in her stomach. It wasn't a naughty remark, but his intentions might be, Khushi thought.

Before she could say no, she was already handing him her saree. And shortly, after Arnav had his hand ready to open the strings of the gown from behind.

His breath hot on her neck, that made her stomach clench. " sweet!" she died to moan.

Arnav slowly removed the gown, ever so slowly, he could manage. Khushi's legs felt like a jelly.

To make her state even more gravy, Arnav had slide his hands under the gown as he slide it down the body.

Khushi, on time, had held the gown just enough to hide her hips and her legs.

Arnav took her blouse and before making her wear it, he moved his hand as he was massaging her shoulders, her arms and cupped her round full breasts in his big hands.

Khushi's back fell against his chest, letting her whole weight on him.

"Arnav ji, please!" she moaned.

Arnav was too lost to hear her pleas.

He kissed her neck so softly that Khushi was at the verge of fainting.

Arnav slide the golden blouse in her arms and for a while made her stand on her feet.

He pulled her blouse so that he could hook it. Khushi arched and shuddered. It reminded her of the time when at the party her blouse had malfunctioned. It was Arnav who had noticed it and helped her. In the same way Arnav had pulled her blouse, even though the circumstances were different, she had felt the similar passion, if not exactly the same.

"Done!" Arnav murmured in her ear bringing her back to the reality, which was beautiful in its own way. She turned around and dug her face in his neck.

It was long later when she realized she had long let go of the gown completely, exposing her long legs to her, leaving her in only inner wear.

Arnav took the petticoat and helped her wear it.

He then started wrapping the green sari around her.

"How do you know to wrap a sari!?" she couldn't help asking.

"Well," he said seductively, as he formed pleats. "I own fashion world!" he answered and tugged the pleats securely in the hem of her skirt before sitting down on his toes.

Khushi shuddered as his knuckles touched her belly and he kept his hand there for a long time. As they looked at each other.

As he leaned closer, he kissed her belly. He seemed to struggling to keep back his tears as he had his head dropped.

Khushi made him look up, in her eyes and cupped his face as she saw tears in his eyes.

"Khushi, what I have always able to gave you is pain. And in return, you only gave me happiness!" he said, his heart as well as voice heavy with emotions.

Khushi bent a little bit and kissed his forehead. Then she made him stand up on his feet and immediately embraced him in her arms.

Arnav hugged her back as he let out the tears that he was holding back for a long while.


SS: A bet

Hi, everyone. I have started a new story. Read through it and do let me know how is it...

His world stopped. His breath halted. He stood shocked, immovable; even his eyes didn't flick, every part of his body was numb.

His head swirled, dim lit lobby was already getting blurred in front of his eyes, the white marvelled floor swirled as it was a whirlpool. He was going to fall, but didn't make any effort to save himself from falling. The truth was he couldn't. His hand touched his chest, it ached. That told him he was alive. The side of his upper arm hit the wall and he fell ultimately on the floor.

He couldn't breath. Just a moment before he blacked out, he hoped what he saw was false, what he heard was just a joke.

Hoped it was just an imagination of his mind.

But if it was the truth, and if he breathed another breath, he had to just live in a world that was fallen apart in pieces, where all his dreams were shatter to pieces as a glass upon falling on the floor.

"Arnav!" Khushi shouted horror. The smile on her face was gone. Her own colour face had turned into a white chalk. She rushed towards his fallen body. Fell in front of him. Held his face in her hands, patted his wet cheeks. She herself was drenched in sweat seeing him almost covered in sweat. The fear sunk her heart. The fear she was going to loose him. "Arnav, open your eyes," she begged. Making a mere try to wake him up.

She checked his pulse which was so slow as it wasn't even there.

"No, Arnav, nothing could happen to you," she said more to herself. "Arnav," she shook his body.


"Payal, call the ambulance!" she shouted. Payal who upon hearing Khushi's screams had rushed out of her room that was upstairs, to see what was the matter.

"Arnav," even she herself almost screamed. She bolted down the stairs. She took out her phone and called the ambulance.

"Khushi, what happened to him!?"

Khushi was breathless.
"I don't know, Payal," she finished her sentence hurriedly and crying. "When I came out of the room, I saw him unconscious. Payal, his heartbeat is almost slow. Just call the ambulance."

"I already have, Khushi," Payal said and rushed to the kitchen to get a glass of water as she retuned back she asked.

Khushi took a glass of water from her and sprinkled water on Arnav's face. No movement.

"Khushi, did he listen us!?" Payal asked shocked.

Khushi froze. Glass of water fell from her hand on the floor, fading the silence.

Payal and Khushi looked at each other in fear.

@ The Hospital.

"We can't say anything at the moment," Doctor said. "It was a minor heart attack!"

Tears slipped down Khushi's eyes.
And her heart was beating furiously.

"There is no physical reason to it, Ms. Khushi. Arnav Singh Raizada is a very fit man. It's may be due to the mental pain, as real as physical pain."

Khushi took a step back in shock and her body had almost given up in her, if Payal wasn't standing beside her to lend her the support. "I think you should inform his family."

"We will!" Payal said.

"Khushi, come, and sit!" Payal said.

"Can I see him!?" Khushi asked ignoring Payal's help.

"His health is not at all stable. Next few hours are very critical for him. He will be under observation. I suggest you to meet him after we will consider he is okay."

"It's alright doctor," Payal said in understanding. "Thank-you!" she added on behalf of Khushi, who was broken and in no state to mutter anything. Worries of Arnav hovered her mind.

"Payal, what if he!?" she asked as the only question hovered her mind. Payal had no answer to that.

"Payal, I can't let anything happen to him," she said.

"If anything happened, I won't be able to forgive myself. I won't be!" she broke herself from Payal's grip. "Payal, he has to live. He said we will live together."

"Khushi, you know what are you saying!?" Payal asked. "It has happened because of us."

No matter how harsh the truth was, Payal had said.

"I can't let myself the reason of it, Payal, I can't let anything happen to him," she said as her sentence faded, and she started walking the opposite side.

"Khushi, where are you going!?" Payal asked.

"To make every wrong, right!" she said.

NOTE: This story will be a narrative, and a suspense. Chapters, I don't know yet. However, will be a short story. It will run between past and the future.

If you like the starting, do click like and leave a comment. I will only continue if I get enough likes and comments. The idea clicked my mind and I couldn't stop myself from writing it. Hopefully, you will me join in the story.

Character sketch.
Arnav Singh Raizada: A 24 year old.

Khushi Kumari Gupta: A 23 year old.

They both belong to the rich families. Both families are friends with each other. Arnav has one sister, Anjali; and three cousin brothers named: Akaash, NK, and Dhruv.

Khushi has two siblings. Payal and Karan; they both are Khushi's massi's children.

Khushi, and Arnav are friends, meet during their university days. They fall in love with each other, may be!? And their marriage is around the corner, in only two weeks after the above mentioned incident. However, the edge at which their relationship stood was a lie, and which will have it's consequences that both have to pay.

Cursed Love part 8


Khushi woke up in the morning, and with a relaxed mind and body. The pain in her head was gone as she didn't go through any accident. But when and how did she sleep, she didn't know. She looked at the clock and it struck 8:30 AM.

She got up from the bed in a jolt. She was scared. She had to do her presentation but she slept for all these hours. She rushed to the washroom to freshened up and later quickly changed to a light blue frock suit. Not bothered to take a shower at the moment.

In a quite haste she made her way out of the room to downstairs. She didn't find anyone but the servants and Mary.

"Mary, have you seen Anjali di?" she asked.

"Anjali baby has already gone to Bangalore for her meeting."

"Arnav, sir?"

"He must be in the gym."

"Where is the gym?"

"Gym is in the basement. But first tell me how are you feeling? Anjali baby has asked me to take care of you."

"I am fine," she said.

"Okay, you sit I bring breakfast for you."

"Mary, I will have it later. I have to see Arnav, sir."

"Yes, sure go ahead."

Khushi went to the basement and right in the entrance of the basement was the huge gym. Arnav was alone.

"NK, can you please add more disk weight to the barbell?" Arnav said as he laid on the bench and was doing the barbell exercise. So he couldn't see Khushi and mistook her for NK.

"Don't you listen I am telling you to add more weight to barbell."

Khushi didn't dare to tell him she wasn't NK. She looked around and NK was nowhere to be seen. She slowly went to pick up one of them from the rack.

"40 Lb one please!" he said. As she was about to pick Arnav kept the barbell on the stand and got up, "What's taking you this long?"

When he looked at Khushi he immediately asked to leave the disk. "I thought you were NK!"

"I am sorry...I...I came to...ask..."

Arnav waited for her to finish her sentence. He wiped off the sweat with his towel. "Ask about the meeting?" he asked.

"Yes, and Anjali di."

"She has already gone to Bangalore. She will handle some of the work before we reach there for the evening meeting."

"I should go and prepare the presentation then," she said.

"No, don't worry," he told her. "I have finished it. Anjali di had given me the papers from your bag. Now you may go and eat your breakfast."

She nodded and turned to leave when he stopped her to ask, "By the way, how are you?"

"Good, thank you for asking," she said and rushed from there in quite a haste.

Arnav didn't know what was wrong with her.

On her way back to upstairs she had tears in her eyes. She was scolding herself for being not responsible. The presentation that she was suppose to do was done by her boss. The first very task she was unable to do properly.

She immediately went to her room and didn't listen Mary calling her for the breakfast.

"What must he be thinking of you, Khushi?" she asked herself. "Because of you they have to delay everything."

"I don't know why baba think I can manage all this? I am just too dumb. And a coward."

@ The breakfast table.

Arnav along with his cousins had been all ready and was at the breakfast table.

"Where is Khushi, did she eat?" Akaash asked.

"Here she is!" NK said.

"Hi, Khushi ji, how are you?"


"That's good, come and have a breakfast," NK said.

Khushi looked at Arnav. She didn't know if she should be sitting with we boss and his brothers.

Akaash sensed her nervousness. "Come on, Khushi, don't worry. He won't mind."

"Right bhai!?" Akaash said.

"Huh, yes sure!" he said, and pretended to by busy on his phone. Probably it was something that he wouldn't have said with all his heart. But, of course, he didn't mind her sitting with them and having her breakfast. In fact, he so wanted her to sit and have her breakfast so he makes sure she eats her food properly.

Khushi smiled nervously. Her heartbeat was wild and she was sweating in nervousness.

"Khushi ji, you okay?" NK asked. "You are sweating. Are you feeling hot?"

Khushi wiped her sweat. "No, NK ji, I am fine!" she said.

"Anyways, we are leaving in two hours. I expect your bag packs are ready, we have to stay for a night there, and tomorrow we shall be back," Arnav said to his cousins and indirectly to Khushi.

"But bhai we thought we were leaving in an hour," NK said.

"I know. But I guess Khushi needs some time to pack her bag."

Khushi who was chewing on her bread, choked on it. "Khushi ji, you okay!" NK asked.

Arnav had almost jumped in his seat to help her but Mary came forward and helped her to drink water and rubbed her back.

He was furious at her for her carelessness. "You are not a baby, learn to eat properly!" his voice was cold.

Khushi couldn't look in his eyes and was embarrassed. But more than that scared.

He couldn't see the tears in her eyes that had formed in them. Although, she was trying to hide them.

He cursed himself. Out of nowhere, he was concerned about this lady. And he hated it. But at the same time it so matter to him that it hurt him.

"I think we should go and pack our bag packs," Akaash said and he himself and NK were about to get up.

"No one will get up until, you are done with your breakfast" Arnav made clear.

Both of them sat back on their as they had stood up.

Khushi tried hard to keep her tears at the back of her eyes. Arnav was aware of it.

"May I know who had kept that pills on my desk in the study!?" Arnav asked.

"I did," NK said.

Arnav looked at him. "I had asked you for bills!"

"Bhai I thought you said you have a headache. And you said me to go and get pills."

"Stupid, he actually meant you are giving him headache. Because you were talking about every random things but work. So he sent you to get the bills."

"Oh, I thought you said pills."

"Pills and bills sounds so similar," NK said innocently.

Arnav looked at Khushi now she was trying hard to suppress her laugh and his try to make her feel better was somewhere successful. But all thanks to NK and his stupidness.

"Two hours, you guys better be outside. I won't wait for anyone."

"Bhai we are ready. And Khushi you can go and get ready too," Akaash said.

She nodded and left.

"Bhai, is it important for Khushi to go with is!?" Akaash asked. "I mean she might not be really fit to travel."

"It is important for her to go with us," Arnav said. He wouldn't have taken a risk and left Khushi alone. After what happened last night.

He had called Nani after he made Khushi sleep at around 4:30 AM knowing that she must have been up at that time. However, she didn't pick up her phone. Even in the morning at 7:00 when he was trying to call her she didn't answer to any of his calls.

He wondered what was the reason. It was so important for Nani to be back because he really wanted to to know who really Khushi was. And why he experiences strange vibes when she is there with him? And the reasons his he could tell she is in trouble?

May be he thought it was because he was not an ordinary person but belong to the world which is far from the world of reality. And he has such abilities. However, he knew it go beyond all his understands.

His train of thoughts were broken when he saw Khushi. He was trying to find the real her. She was innocent that was for sure. Quite reserved, always scared. Mostly in front of him. Surely he had that aura. He was tough. But that has more to do with the overwhelming emotions that he feels all the time not only her around him but in general all the time. Yes, Khushi didn't know about that...But not in front of him even in front of Anjali she is scared. The day she has come in his life he was trying hard to find a valid reason of knowing what's going on, he end up getting more and more confused.

He had to ask her more. But looked like she herself wasn't sure whom she is really scared of all the time. Who daunts her. He is hoping for Nani to be some help to him. Otherwise, he had to find all by himself. By the looks it wasn't going to be pleasant in anyways.

***At bangalore AR's headquarter***

"I must say, chote the way Khushi presented the presentation was marvellous. I have had no doubts on her abilities. But you know how shy is!"

"I think we should go to the hotel. I have to get some paper work done," he said ignoring Anjali's praise for Khushi completely.

Anjali knew words of compliment wouldn't come from her brother. "Let's go," she said as she followed him.


When they reached AR hotels there was a problem at the A wing of the hotel.

"NK what's the problem!!?" Anjali asked.

"Hi, di. There is a short circuit. Electricians are here they are working on it.

"Where is Khushi? Her room is also in the A wing right?"

"Di she has just gone to her room."

Arnav heard NK saying. Terror rushed in his veins. He had asked them not to leave her alone, but despite of that they had.

He rushed as fast as he could.

Khushi was in her room, the time lights went off she got scared. With trembling hands she turned on the torch and made her out of the room. As she made her way outside there is a complete dark. She chorused Devi Maiya's name.

She locked the room and make her way to the dinner room where Akaash and NK had asked her to be. Fear shook her body as she saw a man.

"Excuse me...Do you work here?" Khushi said and expected a help from him.

But the man didn't bother turning around. He continued to walk in his direction. He was covered from head to toe in black clothes. It was strange because she was totally ignored by that man. But she took a sigh of relief when the man luckily left from there.

She starts to walk in a hurry. But she immediately stops when she look at the white envelope dropped by the man and to her surprise she read her name imprinted on it. She picked it from the ground.

She opened it up and read-

"I AM BACK! Ms. Khushi Kumari Gupta!"

Khushi was all shocked. Land under her feet slipped. It was typed up letter.

"Don't be scared Ms. Gupta"... I am just here to fulfil the promise I made to you...I hope that you haven't forgotten anything!"

Her mind reeled back and it was something that she did have seen before. She recollected her memory and it was something that she had seen in her dream.

Khushi vigorously shook her head... "No it can't be true..." She thought. It was indeed impossible for such a dream to be real..."Somebody is just joking around with me," she said.

Khushi rips the paper into numerous pieces and throw it in the garbage can that was near her.

The room where she was standing creak opens...Hearing the hard foot steps on the marble floor, Khushi quickly hide herself behind the curtain in the hall...she kept her hand on her mouth, to be careful not to make any noise. The man continued to walk towards her she could tell as the footsteps approached her. It was the same man she saw few minutes ago in the hallway. Her eyes were wide opened. The man held her by her arm and made her come out from her hiding place.

Khushi's heart jumped out of we chest. Khushi was going to scream, but he covered her mouth before she could make any noise...Khushi was suffocated...She struggled to free herself from his grip, but he was strong enough to fail her every try. She looked around for something with which she could hit the man. But couldn't reach for anything. Gathering the energy she pulled the man hair hard enough to loosen his grip on her mouth, the man groaned in pain and she kicked him hard on his knees as she grasped for air. Then she runs from there without even bothering turning back and looking at the man if he followed her not.

Khushi ran as fast she could.
It was when she bumped into someone. The man after her just quickly vanished.

"Khushi?" Arnav said.

Hearing the familiar voice khushi hugs Arnav tightly. Arnav embraced her even tighter.

"Arnav ji," Khushi let out a sacred cry.

"Khushi, what happened? Are you okay?" Arnav asked concerned.

"He...he..." Her voice shooked.
But before she could say anything more, Arnav felt her whole weight on him. There she was her pale, limp body in his arms.

She collapsed.

"Oh, shit!

"Khushi!" he called her...He pats her face softly to revive her... But no success... So he takes her in his room.

"Hello Room service?"... This is ASR here...Send Dr. Chopra to my room soon!"

"Yes, sir!"

"Hello Dr. Chopra!... This is the patient... Arnav said pointing towards khushi..

"Who is she, Mr. Raizada?"

"Can you please do her checkup first!?" he sounded angry.

"Yes, sure..."

Dr. Chopra examined her completely.

"What happened to her, Doctor?"

"Mr. Raizada her B.P. has skyrocketed. It could be due to Panic Attack. I wonder what could be the reason."

"Anything to worry about it now?" he asked.

"I have given her the injection...Now she is sleeping make sure she does get complete rest and also there should be someone alongside with her so that she does not feel the anxiety. And call me if you need to."

"Thank you Dr. Chopra!"

"Not a Problem!"

The first thing Arnav noticed was as he looked at Khushi was her locket was missing.

It was getting more and more clear to him that someone was after Khushi's life.

But who? he thought.


"Hi, Di!"

"Chote...What happened to her?"

"I think she is scared to darkness."

"Oh lord, I hope she is fine."

"Dr. Chopra said she needs rest."

"Chote, I will stay with her tonight."

"Di she will be fine. Just go and sleep."

"But Chote we can't leave her alone..."

"Di nobody is leaving her alone. You go and sleep I am with her!"

(Surprised) "Huh!?"

"What di?"

"Should I call the doctor?... I think you are surely sick... Or may be I heard something which you really meant," she said clearing her ear.

"Di please! Only because of you okay...Remember you met with an accident?"

"Okay, I go and rest...But I will come back to check on her."

"Di GO!"

Anjali pouts and leaves.
Time was 1:00 o'clock in the Morning... Arnav goes to the washroom to change into his night suit.

Khushi found herself in the very unfamiliar place, her head throbbing with pain...she tries to get up but fails and fell back on the floor...After a while, a man enter into the room followed by other three men behind him...There faces are hard to see, because of the dark...But the man in the front was quite familiar yet she was having hard time recalling. Thinking deeply she recognized him it was him. Her lips quivered, her brain froze completely even thinking of his name. Gathering the courage she tries to run through the open door...But one of the man brutally grab handful of her hair and yank her back into the room...And khushi starts to cry...

First Man: Chief, what we should do with this girl?

Man does not say anything...Just gesture all three to get out of the room...All three nods and make an exist...

"What do you want? Why did you get me here!?"
The man still does not say anything...Before squatting down he grabs something from the table...

"No... please No...I beg you please... let me go..." Then everything blacks out...

Khushi is in still half sleep...Screaming ""
Arnav spring out of the washroom hearing her pleas...In quick five steps he dashed towards khushi...

"Khushi, what happen?"
Khushi was half drenched in sweat...Her breathing was laboured...


"Please no... No... Leave me...

"Khushi!... Open your eyes...It's just a dream..."

Khushi slowly open her eyes...She find herself in a different place than she saw found herself before she woke up...The image in front of her eyes was still blurred..."Please save me..." Khushi whispered...

" are just dreaming."

Hearing Arnav's voice she opened her eyes. She looks at him finally everything fall in place. She was in Arnav's room.

"He was there. Please Arnav ji!" Khushi said clenching Arnav's orange Rugby T shirt.

"Whom you are talking about Khushi?"

"He had come in my dreams. Arnav ji, today he was here. He was going to kill me. If you...if you hadn't come."

Whatever she was saying made no sense to him. "Khushi, you just need to relax," he said.

"I am with you. Nothing going to happen to you. Alright, listen. We need to talk. I think I can help you. If you tell me whatever you know."

"No, you can't help me. No one can!" she said.

"Khushi, I can," he made her look at him. "I can help you."

Her hands loosened the grip on her shoulder and looked at him. "Calm down," he repeated.

He laid her on the bed, and helped her to sleep.

He moved the strand of the hair on the back of her ear, wiped the tears, and comforted her until she was completely sleeping and the grip of her hand holding his hand loosened but she never let go. He felt a slight pain in his ring finger, when he gave it a look it was slightly bleeding, and it was due to Khushi's nail mark...He made no effort to release his hand from Khushi's grip. He found a comfortable position to he sit on the floor with her hand still in his hand...

                             To be continued...

Cursed Love part 7


In quick fractions of time, Arnav had wrapped his arm around Khushi's waist, picked her up and swirled her along with him to get out of the cars path, the side of his knee almost touched the side of the car as it drove away.

Arnav's forehead hit the car's bonnet that was parked and all this happened so quickly that he lost the chance to saved Khushi's head from hitting the car. Although, he did manage to slip his hand her neck to save her from critical injury.

"Bhai!" Akaash shouted as he rushed towards both of them.

Khushi was frozen, her brain seemed to be dead. She held her aching head and shortly after had lost her consciousness. Arnav who was on top of her immediately sat and held her in his arm.

"Chote you okay!?" Anjali asked. He nodded. "Oh god, Khushi," Anjali shouted.

"Did you note the number, Akaash?"

"Bhai that car was without the number plate. The cars mirrors were black that made me hard to see who was in it."

"Khushi," Arnav called an patted her cheek lightly. His voice sounded calm.

"Bhai, looks like bunch of college students," NK said.

"I take her to the hospital," Arnav said. As he carried Khushi in his arms.

"NK, you take Anjali di home. Akaash, and Aman you call the police. And ask them to find that bas***d, whoever it was."

"Chote, blood on your forehead."

"Di, go home I will be fine. Khushi need attention."

"Bhai, you go, I will see everything."

Arnav made Khushi sit in the front seat, fastened her seatbelt and as quick as he could he got in the drivers seat. Fastened his own seat belt and swirled the wheel in one quick turn, his BMW's mark printed on the floor, and he drove at quiet the fast speed.

At the hospital...

"Mr. Raizada," doctor said, hurriedly as he saw Arnav carrying Khushi and running in the hospital.

"In what room?" he asked. Doctor hurried and took Khushi to the available room.

"Mr. Raizada, who is she and what's wrong with her?" Doctor asked.

"Dr. Shah, she fainted. She was close to have an accident with the car."

"Probably due to the shock," she said. "Mr. Raizada please wait outside, I do her check up. But I guess you need a dressing too."

"Nurse, do Mr. Raizada's dressing."

"Yes, doctor."

Arnav didn't feel like leaving her. Her face was pale as he looked at her. And when he checked his hand there was a blood on it. It was Khushi's.

"Mr. Raizada, she will be fine," Dr. Shah repeated.

Arnav denied to go along with the nurse and asked him to bring the first aid outside Khushi's ward.

He looked at her through the window, his eyes were moist. As the tear did manage to form at the corner of his eyelid. And he was unaware of it.

Akaash asked the receptionist in what room Khushi was.

"Room 100, straight and then take left," receptionist said.

He ran from there and when he saw Arnav he rushed to him. "Bhai, how is Khushi?" he asked.

"Akaash, I had asked you to inform the police."

"Bhai, I have and they are out their searching. They are looking for the CCTV footages for the clues. Bhai, Anjali di sent me here."

" is she?"

"NK and Aman has calmed her down. She was quite shaken up with the whole incident."

Arnav was worried about Anjali. And when he looked at Khushi, different emotions clogged his heart and none were clear to him.

Arnav saw Dr. Shah coming after Khushi's checkup. "Doctor, how is she?"

"Mr. Raizada, luckily nothing to worry about although, she has a minor head injury. However, nothing to worry about. She will be okay by morning. And she will regain her senses in just an hour, and you can take her home."

"Thank-you, doctor," Akaash said.

"This is freaking second home," Arnav said.

"First it was Anjali di and now Khushi," Akaash said.

"Akaash, you know what!? In both cases Khushi was involved. I mean when Anjali di met with an accident it was Khushi too who was present there. And she was the only one."

"You think it was not at all coincidence and it's someone who is after Khushi's life?"

"I don't know Akaash, it could be."

"Khushi will tell us about it," Arnav said.

"Khushi, how are you feeling?" Akaash asked.

"I am feeling better," she said. Her voice told him she was rather weak.

"Khushi, don't worry, Dr. Shah said you are perfectly fine. It's just a minor injury."

She smiled.

"Where is Arnav, sir?" she asked. "How is he?" Khushi remembered him getting injured too. "He..."

"He...he is here. He is fine, Khushi."

Khushi didn't know if he was lying. She thought because of her it all happened.

"Khushi, you take rest. When bhai comes we will leave. You need a rest. And if you want you can stay here."

"No, I am fine. Anjali di, must be worried."

"She is. You wait here, I get bhai and if you are okay. We can leave."

She nodded in a reply. She sat up with a difficulty. "Bhai, here you are. Khushi is up. Aman has just called me and want me at the hotel. Bhai please help Khushi. And also Anjali di is quite worried. She won't sleep until Khushi reach home."

Arnav shook his head in anger. He thought it was all happening because of her. The day she has come in their life something was happening. Because of her, his sister met with an accident.

He walked inside. Khushi was silently crying. Partially because of the pain and the situation she was putting Arnav's family in. She looked away from and wiped her tears when Arnav entered the ward. He was quite angry, but as soon as he looked at her, his heart softened.

"We are going home," he said and didn't look at her. She got up the bed.

Without lending a hand of help he just stood there. Khushi saw a bandage on his forehead. Before she could ask how he was, Arnav said, "I am waiting outside make sure you come soon."

Khushi was in tears. He was cold, deadly cold. Only she knew was in his eyes there was only hatred for her, maybe.

She took a slow steps. Her mind reeled back. When she saw his back and him walking at the fast pace away from her.

The whole surrounding as far as she could saw was just a dark place. She was calling someone, in fact, shouting. To stop him. She could see he was a male.

In the present time she could feel the pain that she felt in her past.

The car's headlights flashed, the headlights made her shield her eyes. The guy she was trying to call was right in front of the car. He didn't make any effort to save himself but just kept on walking towards the car that was advancing towards him. She tried to shout. But her voice was choked. Her windpipe felt as it was chocked.

She could only force herself, but it was of no help. Until, the man was hit by the car. And she shouted.


She saw blood on her hands. As everything came back to the reality, darkness was gone, but Khushi was unaware of it.

People present in the hospital all dreaded to hear her scream. Arnav had just not gone too far. His head shot back at her.

"No," she was screaming again and again.

"Khushi," Arnav ran to her. He thought she was in pain. She had held her forehead. He ran faster before Khushi fell on her knees, he held her by her arms so that he doesn't fall.

"What happen!?" he asked.

"He...he...he is going to a killed," she said as she cried in exasperation.

"Who Khushi?" he asked.

"He...he was going that way. I don't know who he was? He just got struck by a car."

"Blood," she looked at her hands. "Blood!?" he asked."Where is it?" he asked.

"Please believe me sir, he needs help."

Arnav didn't know whom she was talking about.

He thought, may be it was post accident she was shocked.

"Khushi, I will make sure he is fine," he said to calm her. "Please sir, he needs help."

"Khushi, it was just your mind playing games with you."

"No," she screamed. "He needs help," her voice was shaking.

"Shut up," he yelled. "There is no one hurt here. Alright! You are at the hospital."

Khushi looked all around and saw there was no dark world, no car, no man.

"Now, just let's go home."

At RM.

Arnav and Khushi were home around 2:00 AM in the morning. Doctor had suggested her to take her home. So that she could rest properly.

Arnav helped Khushi as he held her by her shoulders. Arnav was looking at her at the nook of his eyes. She was fine now. Even she said "it was my minds playing tricks with me."

"Arnav baba," Mary said.

"Mary, how is Anjali di?"

"She just went to sleep, baba."

"Khushi bitiya, how are you feeling?"

"Mary, she is fine, and need a help. Can you please get something for her to eat?" he said. He knew she hadn't eaten her food.

"Baba, give me 10 minutes, I will be back with it soon."

"That will be great," he said.

Mary leaves to the kitchen to fetch food.

Arnav helped Khushi to get her to room.

Khushi had sat on the bed, and Arnav was about to leave after telling her that Mary will be there with food.

"Sir," she called. He immediately turned.


"I am sorry," she said, not looking at him.

"No, it's fine," he said.

"Khushi," he said. "Can I talk to you?"

She lightly nodded. He walked back into the room and sat on the bed.

Khushi was terrified and didn't know what he was going to ask or say.

"Khushi, I know I shouldn't be asking you this. At this moment. But after today's incident and keeping in mind Anjali di's accident, and your presence there, I guess it's someone who is after your life."

Khushi's heart beat raced hearing that. For whole time, he was just playing with his hands and didn't even look at her.

"It's just my belief. You can let me know...So that we can tell this to the police."

"And you were really scared today. I don't know why I felt as you fear that person who might want to harm you. Or your close one."

Khushi had never thought about that angle. But she didn't even know if anyone would be after her life.

Even Arnav knew she is innocent to fall in such a trap.

"I don't know. It never happened before," she said.

"Hmm, it's okay, I think it would be just a bunch of college students. There are a few of them in the city who are doing crimes. Probably they were involve in it," he said to make her feel better.

"And if you know anyone," he shrugged his one shoulder. "You know at some point of time there might be something that had happened, if you don't remember now try to and do let me know."

"I am sorry," she said.


"Sorry, I am troubling you and Anjali di."

He was shaking his head. And he looked at her. For the first time during their conversation. Khushi felt shivers rising up her spine when she looked in his grey eyes. The one that she often saw in her dream. Instant connection was made there. He looked back on the floor. "I love my sister, Khushi," he said.

Her name from her mouth vanished her exterior thoughts.

She found herself smiling for no reason. "I know, I was little rude to you," he admitted. "But thank you from bottom of my heart," he said. "Thank-you for saving my sister's

He had no idea why he was telling her this. And beside his doubts he was thanking her. But he felt he should share it with her. He felt kind off positivity when she was around him.

"I have a sister too," she said.

He smiled. "Really!?"

"Yes, she is my mami's daughter, Anshu."

"That's something common in between us," he said.

She nodded.

"Sir, presentation?"

"Oh, don't worry, we can postpone the meeting from tomorrow to day after tomorrow. If you will be fine, we can go with it. It's just an annual meetings that we held at every hotel of ours. I am done with the abroad ones. Now here in India is left."

"I can finish it now and we will present in the evening. Sir, I don't want you to postpone meetings because of me."

"No, it's alright!" he said. "I have already informed Bangalore HeadOffice and they will finish it. You have your food and rest, you need it."

"Thank-you, sir," she said.

"You are welcome," he said and left.

Mary came when Arnav left. She helped Khushi eat her food. After she was done, Mary went to keep the dishes in the kitchen and came back.

"Khushi, bitiya. I will stay with you today."

"No, you really don't have to," she said.

"I know you will be okay, but Arnav, baba wants me to be with you at least, for tonight. And I do think you need help.

Khushi didn't argue after that. "Bitiya sleep, if you need anything do let me know. I am here sitting."

Khushi nodded before she laid on the bed. As soon as she had her eyes closed.

She felt someone sitting on her bed. His eyes on her and cruel smile on his face. As a predator for his prey, he had nothing good to do but wait to kill his prey before he really torture it. With her eyes closed she could tell the locket that she was wearing had turned a colour from blue to the blood red. A sign of an evil. Her hands had fisted the blanket on either of the bed. Fear crept in her mind, and was terrified to open her eyes.

Khushi was screaming for help, but really no one can hear it. Not even Mary who was in her room. Her legs were trying to kick the evil. But it was just a kick in the air. She felt her hands cuffed on her either sides.

Arnav was in his room and it was him who felt the strong presence of someone. And a cry for help. He ran to Anjali's room, but she was fast asleep. Then he went to Khushi's room. She was crying, screaming; but Mary was in deep sleep to even realize.

"Khushi," he screamed. He rushed to her sat beside her, she was covered in sweat. It was her soul in pain.

Khushi had stopped kicking, but still wailed in pain, and pain was beyond even the woman that feel during the childbirth.

Arnav kept a hand on her head and took all her pain by simply transfer it from her body to his. Khushi's body relaxed. And her eyes flew open. She sat up and hugged Arnav.

"Arnav ji, he...Some one was here!"

Arnav was too lost to realize that she didn't call him sir, but Arnavji. And neither did Khushi knew she had said.

But the only thing he knew Khushi was going through something that he didn't know. Something that was beyond words, and any descriptions.

"Khushi, no one was there. It was just a dream," he told her. But he couldn't say he was right. Because he wasn't. The presence of something just before he had come to the room was strong. And of Khushi's pain he did know he was accurate, and for sure it was just not in his head. Her pain he could only take, but couldn't feel; however, he could measure it. Khushi had clung to him tightly. He wrapped his arm around her.

Another shocking thing Mary was sound asleep and was snoring. When Khushi was screaming on top of her lungs she didn't hear.

He didn't break the hug and kept his arms tight around her and let Khushi calmed. But she was only trembling, and had clenched Arnav's T- shirt in her hands. Her face was dug in Arnav's chest too scared to look anywhere else.

However, knowing she knew sleep, Arnav drenched little energy from her body and was extremely careful so that he doesn't kill her. He took energy from her just enough to make her sleep. Her head fell back and she was asleep.

Arnav was only five year old when he was told that he had the ability to drench anyone of their energy and literally kill them. And also, he could take anybody's pain. And himself just not feel an ounce of it.

He laid Khushi on the bed and remained sitting there.

But only left the room for a while to call Nani. It was 4:30 AM. And knew Nani would be up as she was an early riser. But she didn't pick his phone. He came back to the room and covered Khushi properly with the blanket.


Cursed love Part 6


Arnav had no cause or reason to tell why his instincts were telling him that his life will soon change and the very reason would be Khushi itself.

It was his intuition that was intimidating. He was sacred of nothing but the dangerous feelings that were rising in his heart whenever he saw Khushi.

It was making him restless in every way. He had to do something, but what!?

He thought as he and Khushi had weird connections. His mind was screaming, telling him that he shouldn't be thinking too much about her. However, he couldn't keep her out of his thoughts.

"Why her?" he thought.

"Why he is feeling the strangeness only when she is around him!? Before Lavanya was there in his life. But they were living a simple life. Keeping in mind they were in relationship. And in the office there are so many woman working, and also in his life he had come across million girls then why her. And it was becoming hard for him to stay with her.

More few seconds of thinking, he was going to go crazy.

His eyebrows were furrowed in anguish.

"Nani you have to come back as soon as possible," he raved, as his head fell backwards against back of his chair.

"Chote," Anjali came in his cabin, and that broke the train of his thoughts.

Anjali got little worried as she saw him, and looked he was worried over some matter.

"Chote, you fine!?" she asked, dashing to him. And caressed his hair.

"I am fine!" his reply was sharp.

"Chote, you don't look okay...Anything troubling you!?"

Arnav shook his head. "No, just tired after the trip!"

"You may go home, don't worry I will look after everything here. The work is up to date. If you want I will postpone the meeting that we have at Bangalore."

"No, di. I am fine. Just a little sleep I need."

"That's what I am saying, go home and take rest."

"Just a little bit more work left then I am leaving anyways."

"That would be great," Anjali said.


"Hmm, di!" he murmured as he glanced at her for a short time and then back to his laptop.

Anjali sat in the chair on the opposite side of Arnav. "Chote, I know you are not happy with Khushi working here. And I seriously don't want you feel as I am pressurizing you to let Khushi stay at RM too. However, believe me it's just for the sake of humanity, just like she saved my life I thought of helping her."

Arnav waited until she finished her sentence. And when she was done he spoke. "It's alright, di. She can stay at AR as well as at RM."

"Thank you so much."

"Chote, and I understand why you said no at first. But believe me Khushi is not that kind of girl."

Arnav nodded his head. "It's beyond descriptions Di."

"What?" she asked slightly confused.

"Don't worry. Nothing really to worry about. I think I should finish work early and leave. See you at home."

"Sure, but thank you so much again chote, for understanding."

Anjali smiled and Arnav had a blank look on his face.

"See you di."

"Okay, happy working."

When Anjali left, shortly after Arnav called Khushi. But it looked like her phone was busy.

He himself went to her cabin that was just two rooms away beside Anjali's. He knocked on her door. She was sitting on her knees on the floor, fixing the wire of the landline. So, Arnav couldn't see her.

"Ms. Khushi," he called. He could hear the noises under the table, he walked inside.

"What are you doing there!?"

Khushi was unaware of his presence until now, her head shot up to look at him. She gave him the surprised look. She stood on her feet instantly. Her hair messy. She fixed them instantly and her dress.

"I am sorry, sir..." she stuttered. Her legs were shaking after finding him out of nowhere in front of her. Her heart beat was wild.

"I assume your phone was busy. I need you in my cabin," his tone was relaxed, and formal. He was trying hard to ignore all the vibes of strangeness with her around him.

"I am sorry, sir, phone's wire wasn't connected properly...that's...that's what I was fixing up," she finished her sentence in a hurry and a difficulty.

"In my cabin."

She nodded her head and walked after him, no literally ran to meet his fast pace.

"There is a department who deals with the phone problems," he said on his way.

"Next time, you can tell Aman about any problem related to the office and office work he can be a great help to you. And by the way, the yellow wire is of the internet not the phone. The phone one is white."

"Did he notice it!?" she thought to herself.

"Yes, sir," she said immediately.

When they reached at the cabin. Arnav halted to open the door. Khushi didn't realize and lightly bumped into him. The sweet smell of his perfume hit her nose.

"I am sorry, sir," Arnav was trying not to loose his self control. He opened the door and waited for her to get in first. Khushi was surprised.

Making him wait for no more she entered in and Arnav followed her.
"Thank you, sir."

"Have a seat," Arnav said. He unbuttoned his coat and sat on his chair.

"Ms. Khushi, if you are aware we have to go to Bangalore tomorrow in the morning at sharp 9:00 AM we will be leaving."

"Yes, Anjali di...I mean Anjali mam told me."


Khushi thought he wasn't as bad as he show himself. But wrong time again to think about such things, she considered. She shoved all the thoughts and prepared herself to what Arnav had to say.

"You have to prepare the presentation least an hour long and it has to be finished by tomorrow morning."

"Tomorrow morning!?" she thought.

"I know it's bit too quick," he said as he had read his thoughts. " And don't worry you will get enough assistance form Anjali di as well as Aman, they will help you with the information that has to be put in."

"Is everything clear!?" he asked when he was done with the information.

"Yes, sir."

"Here's the main outline that you have to follow!" he passed her the papers. "Please make sure the visuals and the data are clear and precise enough."

"Sure, sir."

Khushi took the papers form the table. And left.

In her cabin...

When she looked at the papers they were similar to the presentation outline that she had once prepared for her baba. For sure she had to spend her whole night, but she was grateful she knew how to do it. She thanked her father for teaching her the important tasks.

When she has started with penning down the ideas. Thought of Arnav came into her mind. She couldn't help smiling the way he had opened a door for her and the way he didn't show his anger. Was he really that way? Or he was trying to
accept the fact that his sister wanted her to be his PA.

Whatever the reason was? She promised herself that she won't come in his way. She would only talk to him when it would be needed or vice versa. She would not make herself the reason of his anger.

If everything ran as smooth as just few minutes ago, save bumping, she will be fine. The pressure was on, but she was going to make sure that she doesn't let anyone down. Neither Anjali, nor her baba.

@ RM
"Khushi, aren't you leaving!?" Anjali asked as it was 7:00 PM and almost everyone had left.

"Di, I mean mam..."

Anjali laughed. "It's okay, you may call me di when chote is not around."

Khushi smiled. "Thank you di. I will stay here until I finish the presentation."

"No, Khushi, you don't have to stay. I know work is not allowed at home. Now come on."

"Di five minutes, I have to grab the stuff that I need."

"Okay, dear go ahead. I am waiting for you."

@ RM

Call it an coincidence, Khushi and Anjali had just entered the RM, when Arnav had come downstairs after his nap.

"Hi di," he said.

"Hey, chote, how are you feeling now?"

"I am great. I guess I needed a little nap!"

"Thank god you admitted it."

Khushi who until now had her eyelids lower looked up to wish Arnav.

"Good evening, sir," Khushi said. Her voice lower.

"Good evening," he said and was about to leave when Anjali stopped him.

Even Khushi had excused herself. Anjali stopped her too.

"Chote, Khushi."

Arnav stopped and turned on his heels. And Khushi did the same.

"Yes, di," Arnav said.

"I was thinking if we can go outside to eat. We haven't gone for quite long. I am really tired of eating home food."

She knew he would say no, but why just not give it a try, she thought.

"But di, we are going to Bangalore anyways. So we will be eating outside food."

"But chote, I feel like eating now," she said. "Please don't say no."

"Okay, we can leave in an hour."

"Thank you so much, chote. Just give us an hour we will be ready."

Arnav raised his eyebrows. "We?"

Khushi understood it. "Di, you guys enjoy. I go and finish my presentation."

"Khushi, 60 minutes, we three are going."

"But di?"

"Do as I said so," she said strictly.

Arnav left form there angrily.

"You don't worry, I will explain him, Khushi. I have put a dress for you. It's a white sari. It will look fabulous on you. Just hurry, chote, is very strict about time. I send Mary in your room. She will help you."

Khushi nodded and leaves.

@ The study.

"Anjali di, you know that if she will go with us. Media will raise questions. She is just a PA."

"Since, when you started caring about these little things, chote?"

"Di to me my reputation matters, you know that.

"She is not a criminal. And don't worry; Aman, NK, and Akaash are coming along. You wasted 15 minutes already, go and get ready. Even I have to get ready."

"Fine, chote?"

Arnav huffed and said, "fine."

Anjali smiled a smile of triumph and herself leave to get ready.

Khushi stepped down the stairs slowly in a high heel. As she was not used to it. They have decided they will take an hour and in that given time Khushi was ready, and so was Arnav. It was Anjali who needed a little more time.

Arnav was waiting downstairs, busy on his phone. He was leaned against the pillar near the staircase. He saw click of the heels against the white marvelled floors. He thought it was Anjali. As he turned around, it was Khushi. The moment he saw her, dressed in a white see through sari with orange flowers embroidered on the chest, and in a silver high heels she looked tall as well as beautiful as ever before. With the minimum make up.

Arnav was awestruck. He couldn't keep his eyes off at her. But he quickly moved his gaze away even before she knew he was looking at her just a second ago. when Khushi looked at him. Khushi was aware of his presence and that made her self conscious.

She was going to trip down and fell down the stairs. Arnav was quick to rush to her as he was just standing near the staircase.

It was the first time he didn't feel anything when he had her close to him as close in his arms. Khushi got scared. Their eyes met. Conscious about their surroundings when Anjali had made her appearance. Arnav made Khushi stand properly on her feet.

"Khushi, what happen?"

"Nothing di, she was going to trip."

"Oh my god..."

"Di, I am fine," Khushi assured. "Arnav ji." Arnav shot a glance at her. "Arnav sir," she corrected herself. "Saved me."

"Thank goodness. Do you have trouble walking in heels. You can try flats."

"I am really okay di, I will be fine."

"Wear them, and don't expect people to come to help you everytime to trip in these heels," Arnav said. "Let's not waste more time in it," he said as he walked away.

Anjali looked at his back angrily and shook her head. "Khushi, he is just."

"He is right, di. Actually, I prefer flats over heels."

"Sure, Khushi, go ahead and wear in whatever you feel confortable."

Khushi just took a minute and was back.

"Khushi, you look beautiful. Even beyond beautiful."

Khushi blushed. "Thank you for this sari, di. It is beautiful."

"You are welcome my dear. I had gone to the shopping mall to shop for few dresses and saw this dress. The first person I thought the dress that was only made for, was you."

"And you look really beautiful. Just as I thought. No evil can get you," she said.

"Anjali bitiya, Arnav baba is waiting for the two of you gorgeous lady," Mary said.

"Yes, we are going. Mary, we will be home late. You guys can retire for

"Have a great evening, ladies. See you in the morning."

"Good evening, Mary," Anjali mused.

At the AR's Hotel.

After threesome has reached the hotel, Khushi had realized there were other three men too. One of them was Aman. The other two she didn't know."

"Khushi, in a hurry, I just forgot to tell you that these three handsome hunks will be joining us."

"Aman you know."

"Khushi, this is Akaash, he is our younger cousin. And Akaash, this is Khushi."

Khushi's mind was driven a years back. This was the name that sounded so familiar to her.

"And she is the same beautiful lady that you told me saved your life,"
Akaash said.

"Yes, she is."

"Hi, Khushi, you are beautiful lady with a beautiful soul," she heard Akaash saying. But most of his words only faded at the back of her mind.

Her head was spinning. Unlike Armav, she was vulnerable to
gather the information of her past.

"And, Khushi, he is NK. He is youngest of all us. They live in Paris. With my mami, mama. They look after international projects. And they have returned just in the morning with, chote."

NK another name she thought she knew.

"Hi, Khushi ji," NK said. But she wasn't listening. In fact, there was a huge war going inside her. Her head hurt.

"Di, if we are done with this introductions can we just do what we had come for."

NK kept his smile intact, and waited for Khushi's reponse.

"Khushi," Anjali called and kept her hand on her shoulders.

They all looked at her, even Arnav. He could read her state. She was deeply shocked. For some time he thought she was in a situation that he usually find himself in. But that thought came and faded as it wasn't even there.

. "Akaash, just stop it," a girl said. She couldn't tell who that girl was. She couldn't even recognize the face that had come in her mind.

"NK, you stop right there. I going to kick you." 

Two people name she thought she knew. Once again Anjali called her and whatever she thought was erased from her mind as it wasn't even there.

She looked Anjali, Akaash, NK, and Aman's worried faces. Arnav's expression she couldn't tell if he was angry, or what. But not worried.

"What happened, Khushi. You okay!?" Anjali asked.

"What happened to me?" she asked.

"You were lost."

"I am sorry," she said.

"No, it's okay. If you aren't feeling well we can go home."

"No, di. I am fine. Really." Her tone faded.

(Note: Akaash and NK, here both are the one that we know of. And in "because I love you," they both were different characters. It's just the name that Khushi thinks she knows.)

"Hi, NK ji," she responded as she back to normal. "Hi Akaash ji."

"Hi," they both said.

"Di, I am really hungry," NK said.

"Haha...sure let's go."

None of them talked when they had their mouth full. Arnav glanced at Khushi in between of their talks, who had her eyelids lowered as usual. Occasionally she would smile, whenever any of them said something funny or just as a response or in an acceptance.

She is a very shy girl, Arnav concluded. Even though he had no interests in her. Not at the moment. Her food wasn't even half touched as she wasn't used to it. Or may be she felt too shy to eat in front of them.

"Khushi ji, I wonder if you say anything," NK commented. Her long eye lashes shot up.

"She doesn't," Anjali said. "If you ask her a big long question she will only answer in a word."

Khushi's cheeks were burning as she felt pairs of eyes on her.

"Hmm," Akaash murmured. "So, you are the new PA of bhai. I am sure you will do an awesome job, Khushi."

"Thank you, Akaash ji," she managed to say.

"Khushi is doing an amazing job," Aman said. "I saw her work today in the office and the amount of the work that Arnav's PA needs to do needs patience and quickness, I must say she did it gracefully and possess all the qualities one need
as to be his PA."

"What do you think, Arnav bhai, how did you like your PA!?" Akaash asked.

Arnav was out of words. He didn't even know what to say on that. "Good," he said.

"Khushi ji, you should know that," NK said. "Arnav bhai would say no more than one word, just like you. But that "good" means exceptionally well."

Khushi didn't know if NK was exaggerating.

"That's true, Khushi," Anjali said. No, he wasn't.

Arnav usually would say "okay," but to Khushi he had said, "Good." That means he was happy with her as his PA. And it had been only one day, but there is a saying -first impression is the last impression- Khushi had clicked Arnav's expectations. And it was something that admit it or not.

Khushi slowly moved her eyelashes up and then to Arnav. Who was quite uncomfortable with the current topic.

"What yeah, chote, you have given her the work that needs good amount of time," Anjali complained.

"Di," Khushi said. "It's not that hard. I have done something similar to that for my baba."
For the first time she had said something tonight.

"I will be done by tomorrow morning."

"Am I having a hearing problem? Akaash bhai, can you say something? Anjali angel can you? Aman bhai, you?"


"No, I can hear properly," NK said.

Khushi smiled, it was the same comment Anshu used to make at her. Anjali laughed. Akaash and Aman joined in.

"Khushi, you should really speak louder. But don't worry you will learn to after staying with us," Anjali said.

Evening had passed peacefully. Khushi felt an alien no more among Raizada family. She was surprised, Raizada's were millionaires. Ten different hotels belonged to them alone in Mumbai and not to forget abroad.

But they were so down to earth. So friendly. Atleast, they had broken that norm.

Khushi felt so lucky to have such a wonderful people in her life. Her family and now the new addition of wonderful friends.

"Alright, I think we should leave now," Arnav said checking his watch. Clock had struck 10:00 PM.

"Yes, bhai," Akaash said.
In the parking lot. Aman, Akaash, NK and Anjali had already sat in their cars. Arnav was about to sit in his car. And Khushi was too coming, she was behind, a car came faster that would not necessarily be permitted in the parking lots.

Khushi had looked around properly, and then she decided to crossef the path towards the car, but it was then when the car took a sharp turn towards Khushi. From her back, before she knows. Even the engines of the Anjali and Akaash guys car made hard for her to hear anything coming from behind her. It was Arnav who was quick to notice the sound, plus he had seen in the side mirror. Even Anjali and Akaash had as they sat in their cars.

"Khushi," Arnav shouted horror. Khushi was literally startled hearing his scream. "Watch out, Khushi."

"Khushi, move away," Anjali said as she got out of her car.

Khushi didn't know until now as car was coming towards her at quite a faster pace. The last thing she knew was she was going to be killed.

"Khushi," Anjali shouted.

                             To be continued...

Cursed Love Part 5

||PART 5||

To top it, he felt his eyes watery as a drop clung at the corner of his eye.

Before he could really give it a thought he got aware of her more. Her sobs, cries had stopped.

He felt her weight on him. Her hands fell on her sides, as she leaned against his chest.

He balanced her weight on his hand as she was about to fall backwards, the minute he tried to lift her head.

He felt his whole world stopped and only one thing he could do was stare at her beautiful, innocent face.

Tears still alive as it slipped down her eyes.

But as he saw her blood and the corner of her lip bruised, his heart felt the tug.

He picked her in his arms and walked inside the mansion.

If someone would say, if he hated her!? No, was an answer.

She had nothing that he could hate about her, but at the same time there were strangeness in her...

The way his behaviour changes almost immediately whenever she appeared in front of him was troubling him.

Since, he had met her, even when they talked on phone, he couldn't stop that bizarre sensation.

He wasn't sure why that was happening to him!? The feelings so strong, yet vague.

And today, he didn't know where she was, but there was something that worked as a strong magnet and it pulled him towards her. As he was guided by someone, his own intuition, may be...

Anjali immediately got up from the sofa and ran to him as she was waiting for them only.

"Chote, what happened to her!? Where did you find her!?" she asked. "And blood!? Chote what happened to her?" she added in a hurry.

"Di, call the doctor!" he said.

"Okay, take her inside the room!" she instructed.

She was glad that Khushi had come home, but safe and sound she doubted.

The moment he was going to stood up after laying her, he felt a tug as her hands wasclenching his shirt, tightly.

He leaned in to free his shirt from her hold. His eyes glued at her.

When he freed her hand, he gently put it on her stomach.

"Sir, I do her dressing!" Nurse told her.

"Huh!" he gasped. "Yes!"

***In Arnav's room***

"Chote, please let her stay here! I promise she won't come in front of you!" Anjali said to him. Trying her best to convince him.

Arnav seemed to be listening her, at the same time he thought of Khushi.

"I will take care of her...Please, chote...You saw what happened today...If you hadn't reached there on time, god knows what could have happened!"

For Anjali it was just a normal thing, to hear his yes, but for Arnav it was a question more important than his life.

"Chote if I were in her place, you tell me did you expect the same!?"

Anjali was right Arnav thought. After what really happened he couldn't let Khushi wander alone in Mumbai.

There was a silence in between the two of them.

The decision was all dependent on Arnav. Whether he wanted her to live at RM or not.

The major concern was Anjali couldn't let her go either and she didn't know what she would really do if he said no.

"Chote, I let you alone to take a decision! But please give it a thought...I am leaving you alone, by morning please tell me your decision. Good night!"

Arnav looked at her as she left him in a turmoil.

Why it was hard for him to say yes, he thought. But even more harder to say, no.

For the first time, he was afraid. He never let his heart rule his mind.

But today, his mind thoughts were faded with his heart.

However, he didn't even know what his heart wanted.

Tonight, was the toughest night of his life. And for some reason it was the toughest decision for him to make. If it was a business deal, he wouldn't have given it a second thought and had said...

He didn't know...

He spent all his night standing by the window, fighting with his thoughts.

After thinking he found that his heart and mind was at the same pace, finally.

Anjali opened the shades of Khushi's room, letting in the rays of sun inside the room.

Khushi's eyes flew open as she woke up with a bad dream.

Anjali ran towards her. She put the plate of the food on the night table.

"Khushi, are you okay!?" she asked looking at her, drenched in sweat.

"Anjali ji," she hissed and quickly hugged her.

"Khushi, you are fine! Safe at my place," she satisfied her as she ran her hand in her hair. Comforting her.

"Nothing has happened to you. You are fine!" She whispered.

Arnav was going to have his breakfast. When he heard Khushi's scream, he ran towards her room.

But when he saw Anjali with her he stopped at the door. But shortly after left from there.

Khushi trembled as she tightly hugged her. She couldn't forget about the faces of those five predators.

"Anjali ji, if he hadn't come," she said between her sobs.

"I know Khushi, chote told me everything! But now everything is fine!"

Khushi slowly pulled away from the hug and Anjali nicely wiped her tears.

"You are fine with us!" he reassured her. "Don't stress yourself, sweetheart. Come I walk you through the washroom. You freshen up, then we will chat!" Anjali said.

***At the breakfast table***
"Good morning, Chote!" Anjali greeted.

She poured orange juice in his glass and applied butter on his bread.

Anjali looked at him staring at his plate, "Chote you look tired. Didn't you sleep last night!?"

"No, there is nothing like that!" he answered.

"What you have decided then!?" she asked the question for which answer she was deliberately waiting.

"She could stay here!" he said.

Anjali's mouth widened in surprise, but she shortly closed it. She pinched herself making sure what she had heard was, something that she really heard.

"What did you say!?" she asked again.

"Di, I said what you heard...Unless, you really want to hear opposite of it!" he said eating the loaf of the bread.

"No," she said as she came out of her shocked zone. "Absolutely not, thank you Chote!"

He got up his chair and took the brown coat that he had hung on his chair.

"Di, see you in the office. I have to interview few contestant for an assistant."

"I have already selected one!" she immediately answered.

Arnav stopped in his place.

"What!? and when!?"

"I did it, yesterday, just forgot to tell you!" she told him. "Also she will be joining by next week!"

"Okay, see you in the office!"

Anjali was surprised that he really didn't ask her, who she was!? Her name!?

Well she was glad he didn't. Because she could imagine how would he react when he would come to know it was none other than Khushi herself.

But she was sure that she will convince him. After all, it wasn't a hard job for her to make him say, yes.

This is the power of being a elder sister, she giggled.

***A week later***

Khushi stood in the cabin of Arnav. Nervous. Her legs shaking in fear. She had absolutely no assumption how would he react. Over the week, she didn't interact with him. Since, he was out of the country for his business deal. And Anjali had told her that he would be coming straight to the office from London after his week long meetings.

And also during the week, Anjali had trained her what she really will be doing as Arnav's personal assistant.

Up until now, she was quite confident, but for her Arnav was too intimidating. And now she will be facing him, made her scared.

Few minutes of encounter with him told her that he was a tough guy.

"Good morning!" she heard him saying. The sound of his footstep echoed as he climbed up the staircase, that alerted Khushi that he was coming towards the office.

She murmured prayer in her mind.

"Is P. A. here!?" he asked as he held the door knob.

Before he could open it he felt an alert. "Was she here!?" he thought. "What would she be doing here!?" he questioned himself.

He ignored it and opened the door.

Before Aman could answer him, Khushi herself was in his cabin.

"You!?" he almost growled.

"Sir, she is...she is your new P.A." Aman stuttered terrified.

Khushi hugged the file tightly in her arms against her chest. She swallowed the lump that had rose to her throat.

"Go...good...Moo...Morning...s...sir!" she muttered with the great difficulty.

Arnav gritted his teeth. "Where is Anjali di!?" he asked.

"Sir, Anjali di...I mean Anjali mam!"

"Here, I am Chote!" Anjali said cheerfully. "When did you come from London!? Welcome back!"

"Di, WHAT IS SHE DOING HERE!?" he fumed.

Khushi got startled as she felt his jaws tightly clenched. Raw anger danced in his eyes.

"Your P.A. Chote..." she answered as casually ignoring his anger.

"Di, I want to talk to you alone, now!" he demanded.

"What you have to talk!?" she asked being aware of what he might asked her.

Arnav arched her neck to her.

Khushi understood and was about to leave when Anjali stopped her.

"Khushi where are you going!?" she asked.

Khushi stopped to answer her.
"I was thinking of waiting outside!"

Anjali walked to her and said, "Khushi you are Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada's P.A. you should be here. Because Mr. ASR has lot to do other than talking to me!"

"Am I right, Mr. Raizada!?" she then asked Arnav as she grinned looking at his fuming face.

Arnav clenched his teeth to cloud his anger.

"Di..." was his raw growl.

"Yes, yes Mr. Raizada we should let you guys both work!" she said without listening him.

"Let's go Aman!"

"Huh, yes let's go," Aman said as he stood in a corner.

Khushi was going to ask Anjali to not to go, but she immediately closed her mouth when she looked at Arnav and he looking at her.

The door silently closed behind when Anjali and Aman exited the room.

Arnav angrily walked to his chair and took the glass paper weight.
Khushi clinched looking at him as he threw it furiously on the table.

She stood pretty close to the table the glass paper weight, at an angle it flew in the air and hit her elbow.

She shrilled in pain. Arnav revolved around as he went to her.

"Oh shoot, you fine!" he immediately asked as he held her hand. "I am so sorry..."

He held her elbow in his hand and rubbed it to soothe the pain. His touch sent shivers up her spine. She fidgeted as she felt uncomfortable. It was not a normal touch, but as someone as put naked wires at the place he touched her.

"It's okay!" she reassured. "I will come later if you want to talk to Anjali ji!"

He looked at her in surprise. He was awed at her innocence and her forgiving nature. There was an eye lock between them.

Both looking deep into each other's eyes. Exploring the horizons, both felt the feeling as it wasn't their first time that they were meeting. And that very feeling made them uncomfortable.

He immediately let go off her arm as there was an awkward silence between them.

"No, it's okay..." he told her. "So, you are going to be here as a P.A.," he asked ignoring the tension in his body.

Khushi was confused wether he was seriously asking her or being sarcastic.

"No, Anjali ji gave me this job!" she immediately said. "I was going to look for a job somewhere else..."

Arnav looked at her coldly. "So it means you don't want to do this job!?"

"No, I didn't mean that...I think you are not happy with me being your P.A.," she said honestly.

For some reason a little not so there smile had flourished on his face. He forgot everything for a moment.

"If you really don't want me as your P.A. I will tell Anjali di to not to force you!" she added hurriedly, but in anxiety.

For the first time, Arnav was clueless, to what to say to her and what to not.

Arnav's silence and him looking at her, she had lowered her eyes to the ground. Too intimated to look back at him. She feared what would be his final decision.

"You may go!" he said.

Khushi resisted to cry, she looked at him and immediately down at the floor, she wasn't at all ready to hear his no.

"And get the tomorrow's meeting files in the conference room!" he added flipping the paper of the green file.

Khushi was confused. He had just asked her to leave and now he was asking for the files!

"You have accepted me as your P.A.?" she found the courage to ask him.

"Ms. Khushi," he said. "Should I write down that on a piece of paper for you!?"

She nodded her head.

Arnav gave her the "really" look.

"No, sir I mean no...I go and get the files," she said and left.

Arnav moved her head. He tossed the file on the table in front of him. Something was really wrong, he concluded.

He didn't know why, but he knew his life was going to change. Change in a way nobody had expected!

Hope you guys liked it!